chapter one: preparation

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In the year eighteen seventy, a rehearsal takes place inside Opera Populaire to prepare for the musical play Hannibal. Starring the reigning diva; La Carlotta. Her piercing high note was heard as she sang in full voice, glory, and bosom, yet the sound of her voice says otherwise.

With the rest of the characters around her, the new Meyerbeer-like production of Hannibal is evident-too much armour, glistening golden fabrics, and all over-designed.

This trophy from our saviours, from our saviours, from the enslaving force of Rome!

Carlotta sang while holding the huge hat; a golden crown-like figure with a feather. Her maid and seamstress still working with her surfeit costume. Along with the preparation, painters were seen re-touching the Opera House. Stagehands walk through with ladders in their hands. Carpenters are hammering. Thus, the conductor; Reyer directs Carlotta and the rest of the respective performers.

Madame Giry: the well-known concierge of the Opera House ushered the chorus girls on stage. Amongst them are her daughter, Meg Giry with her best friends, Christine and Celestine Daaé dressed deficiently and provocatively as they sang.

With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation!

Following is the men's chorus. Now, the full cast is marching and singing fortuitously. Just as the rejoicing chorus takes its place through the entire Opera House, Firmin and André greet a newly arriving carriage with the De Chagny family crest on the side.

Raoul stands debonair and handsomely in the open carriage halting his fine white horses-his livery manservant made his way on the back of the carriage as Raoul went off only to be cowered by Firmin and Andre. As the rehearsal resumed Piangi clad in an overdressed attire sang in his baritone voice.

"This way- Rehearsals, as you see, are underway for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal," said Lefèvre, the previous owner of the Opera House leads Firmin and André towards the stage who are still fawning over Raoul.

Hearing them, the rest of the cast and stagehands turn their heads to look at them. Interfering with their run-through as Reyer spoke, "Monsieur Lefèvre, I am rehearsing!". However, the previous owner continues to speak.

"Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry, ladies and gentlemen, thank you - may I have your attention, please?" called out Lefèvre as the rehearsal stopped. " As you know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true and... it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire: Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles André. I'm sure you've read of their recent fortune in the junk business.." he added as the casts whispered against each other.

"Scrap metal, actually" uttered André. Unbeknownst, that someone is watching from above the stage, a dark shadow moves while applause erupts from the actors and actresses with some even bowing.

"And we're deeply honoured to introduce our new patron," said Firmin as he and André let Raoul show himself up. "The Vicomte de Chagny" added by André. Adding more surprised reactions and applause from the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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