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     So much for not falling for Stephen on the first date. I knew what was going to happen from the second he told me to wait inside of his office so I wouldn't get cold until he had started his car and drove it right in front of the door to the building. I was sure he'd have driven his dark blue Audi R8 right through the wall if his car wasn't so damn expensive (yes, I googled that).
     "Tony?" Yeah, well. Back into reality. "How'd the date go, then?" Rhodes asked, just about as soon as I'd arrived at Stark Industries. Work on a Saturday really was not it when the night before you'd fucked a certain doctor from your town and had him leave before you, waking up next to a cold bed and a piece of paper with the words 'Monday 6pm at my office ;) (don't forget your son)', signed with a 'S.V.S.', on it.
     And god, Monday could come faster, if you were asking me. "Pete told you, didn't he?", I sighed at Rhodey's chuckle, "Well.." How'd it go, then? Besides having three orgasms and discovering my doctor kink, what else was there, really?
     Clearing my throat, I replied: "Pretty good. We're meeting at his office Monday evening."
     "You're banging him in his office? Jeez, Tony." You wouldn't believe me how red I turned. Fucking hell, if you held a tomato next to my face, you most likely couldn't even tell us apart anymore. That's how it felt, at least.
     "Hey, c'mon. I'm just taking Pete to see the doctor. We won't be alone.", I finger gunned him, "Besides, you're acting as if we're in our teens." I gave him a judgy look, to which I received a pat on my shoulder.
     "You for sure act like you're in your teens." Lovely to have such honest friends, right?
     "You're forgetting I'm your boss. I could fire you." I said, head cocked, hands crossed on my chest. "So go back to work, or I'll find someone else to do it." I added, seeing Rhodey's grin on his face.
     Turning around, he shot back: "You look funny when you're trying to act mad."
     Shaking my head with a sigh, I walked back into my own office, but with Pepper coming towards me I couldn't hold back another sigh as I asked her: "What's up now?"
     She threw me a compassionate smile when answering: "You received a bouquet of flowers just now." Pointing to my desk, she added: "And also, I have some documents you need to sign." Pepper tried to explain from whom they were and what they were from, but really, I just grabbed the pen she gave me and signed. There was absolutely nothing in the world that could've stopped me from walking up to those flowers.
     Right next to my desk, there was a vase with roses inside, lavender roses peeking out. Camilla leaves making a stunning contrast with the dark tone of the flower heads. Picking up the note that was left besides them, it read:
     "Purple roses.
     Admiration, love, enchantment.
     Looking forward to seeing you.
     I couldn't fight the ridiculous smile that appeared on my face. Putting the card down again and turning my computer on, I smelled on the roses, closing my eyes with the faint smell of Stephen on them. "Oh, damn." I muttered, sitting back again and staring at the vase in front of me.
     Oh, damn.


     Driving a car seemed to be especially difficult if you had a half hard boner between your legs. And wishing that Stephen was here really didn't help either. Neither was PLAZA, singing right into my ears.
     And you know I can't see the light
     When they got me all alone

     I drove around the small roundabout, taking the third exit out of the center of the neighboring town I had my workshop in. It was just after 5 pm and the sun was already going down, but really, the tent in my pants was going into the opposite direction. No matter at the hour of the day.
     But they do this every night
     Next man callin' on the phone

     Driving a 90 on the country roads, I got close to my village faster than usual. Slowing down to a 52 at the start of some houses, I drove into Carlton Street and did a few smaller turns, once again hating how confusing the layout was built.
     And my cup full of everything
     They're down for anything

     Opening the garage, I parked my car inside. Turning it off and grabbing the keys, I got out. I opened the door to the backseats and took my basket out - flowers inclusive - and once again smiled like an idiot. Cursing today's choice of wearing my most flattering dark boot cut jeans I owned, I felt them tightening even more at the thought of a hot shower.
     "Pete? How y'doing?" I shouted as I unlocked the door and stepped inside. With a tired yawn, I put my jacket back onto one of the hooks, shoes right underneath it. "Pete?" I repeated, opening the door to the living room.
     He was watching some movie, hands holding a cup of tea that seemed to still be steaming hot. "Hey dad. How was work?" He asked, smile forming on his lips as he turned around to see me. "Got an admirer?" Pete added with a chuckle as he saw the roses.
     Putting the basket onto the kitchen counter, I pulled the vase out carefully, placing it down in front of me and throwing Pete a smirk as I smelled them again: "Guess from whom."
     "Rhodey or Pepper?", he seemed to think, "Probably Rhodey though."
     "Are you homophobic or anything?" Holding back my laugh was hard enough.
     "Or was it a certain hot doctor that has a super cool car and many numbers on his bank account?" Pete corrected, finger pointing at me as he took a sip from the tea between both his hands.
     "I'm not trying to get his money, kid. Ever since your grandpa died, I've been making money at the workshop without end. We're not poor, you see." I winked at him when he was about to protest: "But yeah, his car's nice."
     "Nice?! I loooove his car!"
     I chuckled. "Guess I'll ask him to be my boyfriend then. So my son can sit in his quote unquote super cool car.", I paused, already walking up the stairs to the bathroom, "I'll tell you what he says, then."
     "Dad!" But I just turned around and got into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and starting to undress, as I heard my phone beeping. Stopping at unbuttoning my shirt as I saw Stephens name popping up, I grabbed it and texted back.

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