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got a dentist appointment in an hour so enjoy 5.9k of ironstrange fucking while i panic the shit outta this

     Monday came by slow. So slow that I was counting the minutes on the clock when the display finally showed Monday 00:00 am. And really, going to work 7 hours later didn't help either. It even occurred that I ended up with oil spills on not only my pants but also my shirt, and that never - and dare I say ever - happened to me.
     "Are you such a nervous wrack because of that doctor?" Steve teased me as I walked by him, he was just refilling coolant so the car could be picked up by the customer later that day. But rather than looking at him, I walked over to the sink to try and get some of the stains out before they'd stay in there until the end of time. "Tony, you've known him since a week!"
     Grabbing some dirty ass soap - internally cringing - and rubbing it into my shirt, I shot back: "Which is exactly why I want to get to know him better!" A smaller spot seemed to get cleaner, but the big one was holding up a bit too well if you were asking me.
     With a sigh and annoyance in his voice, Rogers answered: "Get to know what, his body parts?"
     Jesus, was there ever a day where he was not jealous of my boyfrie-.. uh.. situationships? Wasn't it enough that he'd always been my father's favorite, when he wasn't even his own son? Wasn't it enough that we'd tried to be more, but there had never been more than sex buddies between him and me? Was it really my fault that he'd caught feelings and still not gotten over me?
     Turning around with a roll of eyes, I threw him a harsh look: "Just 'cause you were my dad's favorite, doesn't mean I can't fire you now that he's dead.", I threw the soap back into the sink and walked up to him, "You're jealous that I'm getting fucked by the doctor, as you call him, but maybe you shouldn't have fucked it up when you still had the chance."
     "I wouldn't have fucked it up, if you had been able to keep your pants up.", Steve gave me an up and down look, "Which you still can't do, as it seems." He was standing so close to me now that I could smell his goddamn awful aftershave, and his cologne - which he still hasn't changed, it appeared.
     "How about next time you don't run off and assume shit, 'cause he hadn't even been down my pants when you stormed into us.", I got even closer, my eyes fluttering with anger, "And if I remember correctly, you were the one who kissed me first at that party.", I cocked my head, "It was you who fucked me and then told me that this meant nothing to you. So really, if you want to blame somebody, blame yourself first."
     And with that, I walked off. Deciding work was over now, I wrote Pep a quick text:

I'll get going, there's been a situation
Sorry x

Steve again?

Take a guess

     I changed into my usual clothes quickly, stuffing the dirty ones into my bag before storming outside and into my car. The drive went by quick. I stopped by the supermarket in our town, picking up Pete's favorite chocolate, some cheap wine and condoms. Getting back into the car, I only drove about 2 minutes, not even minding to turn on the radio, before I pulled into the garage of our house.
     When I unlocked the front door, Pete was already walking up to me. "You're home early." He muttered, eyes glassy and hair muffled. "Did something happen?" He added, throwing a look at the groceries in my hand.
     "Had a fight.", I hung my jacket and pulled my shoes off, "Here.", I handed him his chocolate, "Don't eat it and throw up again, you're only allowed to eat it once you're fine again. How are you feeling?" I threw him a quick smile to apologize for my bad mood.
     "Thanks. Pretty alright. I've finally been able to eat something. Made some french toast earlier, you want some?" Pete asked, grabbing the chocolate bar and smiling happily. He followed me into the kitchen: "When are we going to see Mr. Strange?"
     "6pm.", I muttered, "I'm good, thank you. Stephen said we could go out to eat something? If you're alright enough, you can join us. Otherwise I'll drive you home, then go out? And before you say no, it'd be no problem for either of us if you join us. Only if the doctor allows it, though." I gave him a wink at the last sentence.
     Putting the wine and condoms on the table, I received a eyebrow-raise from Pete. "What? Don't act like you're not old enough to know what two fully capable adults do whe-" I got cut of by a: "Dad, stop!"
     Chuckling, I let it go. "Alright, alright. I'll shut up. You joining us, or not?" I asked again.
     "Yeah, depends on where we're going. I don't think I should be eating Mc Donald's yet. Don't wanna throw up again." He answered, head cocked, taking a sip from his Spiderman glass standing on the table.
     "You're definitely not sick anymore, you stopped drinking tea." I noticed, pointing to the juice, "And I don't think Stephen will let you go to Mc Donald's. He probably wouldn't even go there if he wasn't wearing his doctor's robe." Filling my own glass, I watched him smiling.
     "Well. Sounds like him, yes.", he said, "Now, what happened at the workshop?"
     I rolled my eyes at only thinking about the events from earlier: "God.", I sighed, "Steve and I had an argument." Pete stayed quiet, encouraging me to keep talking. "He's just jealous of Stephen. That it's not him who gets me into bed anymore."
     "Really, was he ever nice to you? Why not just fire him?" Pete asked, putting his glass back onto the surface.
     "Maybe I should do that, yeah. I'll think about it, kid." I muttered. Then, throwing him finger guns, I added: "I wanna see you in the car at quarter to 6. Not a minute later." At only getting a chuckle back, I walked off into my room.
     I quickly got changed, throwing my oily work clothes into the washing machine a few minutes after. 4:52. Time was absolutely not passing. I changed my outfit again, and again, and probably even again. I lost count, really. At some point Pete walked by my room, and - nervous as I was - I opened the door and asked: "Hey kid, you got a minute?"
     "Yeah, what's going on?" He replied, dropping some clothes off in his room before coming to mine.
     I sighed as he walked inside, eyeing myself in the mirror: "I don't know what to wear." Currently, I was trying on a black tank top with some blue boot cut jeans. "I look like a single dad." I muttered, turning to Pete with despair.
     "First of all, you are a single dad.", he came closer, fiddling around with the top, "Second, what does it matter what you wear? He'll take it off anyway." As if he'd made the funniest joke in history of mankind, he even dared to grin cheekily at his own remark. Yeah. He really was my kind, that's for sure.
     "Peter Stark, I'm warning you." I growled. "Seriously, help me. I need to look like.. I don't know, actually. A hot dad. Or whatever. Just something, come on."
     Pete gave a chuckle at that, before shaking his head and saying: "Nah. The jeans need to go." 5 minutes later, I was wearing a white button up, first few buttons open, black sleeveless sweater thrown over it. Black fabric pants were held together by a sparkly belt, my favorite black boots only waiting for me to wear them.
     "You look good." Pete deducted, after walking three times around me.
     "Now that's a compliment."

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