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Shadow woke up to the sound of his alarm. He wished he could've slept forever, never wanting to return to the harsh reality that he faced.

He turned his head to face the empty side of the bed, running over the untouched pillow that remained. Today was the anniversary of the death of Sonic The Hedgehog.

There was supposed to be a big event today to celebrate the infamous hero. Shadow could never bring himself to go. What was the point anyway?

What was there to celebrate? That the one he loved was no longer with him?

The ebony hedgehog continued to state at the empty spot beside him as he began to close his eyes, thinking of the azure hedgehog.

Those radiant emerald green eyes were always looking at him when he woke up.

The big toothy green he always received from the other who would wish him a good morning.

The soft peach colored lips that would kiss him awake, telling him it was time to get up.

He would never get up until he got his morning kiss.

He sighed deeply as he rubbed his face with the pads of his hands.

Suddenly, his ears perked up as he heard a voice call out to him. "Shads! Breakfast is ready! Hurry before it gets cold, sleepy head!" The voice chirped.

Shadow's heart began to beat rapidly for the first time in forever. He shot up as he sat on the bed, eyes wide. 'i-is this real? Was I dreaming..?'

Now, it all made sense. Shadow had one of his terrible nightmares again. That was it! He quickly jumped out of bed and slipped on a pair of black socks along with his gloves.

He could smell bacon, along with pancakes and such. It was real! He's real!

He began to rush downstairs in a hurry with a smile plastered on his face. "Sonic! You won't believe what I dreamt about last..."

He sentence remained unfinished as he saw the house. It was dim and dark. All the curtains were closed. The kitchen was empty, nothing in sight. No bacon, no pancakes, and no Sonic.

Shadow shook his head quickly before he rushed into the kitchen, unable to accept the truth. "No... no, no! It was a dream!" He opened the fridge to find it empty.

He mentally cursed as he ran around the house in a panic, opening various doors as he called out the name of his loved one.

"Sonic! Where are you?! Please, I know you're here!" As he continued to search, tears began to well up in his eyes. This couldn't be...he can't be was a bad dream... right?

Shadow was screaming at this point, begging and pleading for the blue hedgehog to come out. His throat began to strain from the mix between crying and screaming.

"Shadow? Where are you?" He heard the other call back to him. "S-sonic?! Where are you?!" He looked towards the direction of the voice.

"I'm in the kitchen silly! I went out on a morning run!" Shadow quickly scrambled his way to the kitchen to again find it empty and lonely.

He broke. He felt himself shatter in that very moment. He felt to his knees as he sobbed loudly. Screaming out at the world. The cruelness of his mind, playing tricks on him. He knew he hero was dead. He remembers waking up that fateful day, to the blue hedgehogs body next to his, cold and lifeless.

He had passed away peacefully in his sleep next to the one he loved.

Shadow began to pound his fist onto the floor harshly, each time bruising his hand badly.

If he had just woken up sooner. He could've done something. Maybe he'd still be here.

"This isn't like you shads," a voice called out. The black hedgehog wiped his glassy eyes as he continued to keep them shut. "You're not real.."

The voice chuckled softly. "Oh yeah? How so?" Instantly, the darker hedgehogs head snapped up. Shadows eyes went wide as he saw Sonic standing before him. His hands were on his hips, and a playful smile painted his lips. The outline of his body was glowing a soft white light.

"I should have known the ultimate crybaby would cry over me," He teased as he walked over to the alien hybrid that remained on the ground, unable to fathom anything.

Sonic translucent figure began to kneel down in front of him, his hands cupping the others' faces. Shadow began to close his eyes, leaning into the warmth that he oh so missed.

"I've missed so much.." He placed his hands over the blue ones. Sonic smiled softly as he watched the other tenderly. "I know, Shadow. I've missed you too. So much."

Shadow opened his eyes, looking up at those emerald green ones. "I'm ready." Sonic gave the other a puzzled look, not understanding what he meant. "Ready for what Shads?" The other simply smiled.

"I'm ready to go with you. I'm ready to be with you again. To hold you again every day. Even to see Maria again... I'm ready. " Sonic gave the other a look of heartbreak as his eyes saddened. Shadow was now the confused one.

"Oh, that's not why I'm's not your time."

Shadows eyes began to well up with tears, his heartbreaking yet again. "It...It has to be, why can't it be?!" He began to raise his voice before he wrapped his arms tightly around the blue hedgehog, his face in the others chest. Sonic began to run his hands soothingly through the others' quills, like he always used to do when the other was distressed.

"You still have a job to do. A purpose to fulfill. People need you, Shadow." The azure hedgehog spoke calmly. "But I need you, Sonic! I can't go on any longer like this!"

"Then don't," the other replied quickly. "Don't live like this, Shads. Alone, shutting everyone out. I want you to be happy. Even if I'm not around." Shadow could only tighten his hold around the other.

"One day, when it's your time, we'll see each other again." He gently raised the others chin, making him look up at him. Shadow sniffled as he looked back at the other. "I love you so much, Shadow. It hurts me so much to see you beating yourself up. Even Maria is tired of you beating yourself up for things that wasn't your fault."

"Y-you met her?" The ebony hedgehog asked with a shaky voice. Sonic nodded softly. "She's as amazing as you said she'd be Shadow." He paused before he continued.

"Please stop breaking both of our hearts. We want you to be happy, Shadow. The way you made us happy. I'll always be with you."

Shadow began to feel Sonic's hold around him loosen. "Wait! Please! Don't go!" Sonic kissed the top of Shadows' head as he began to drift away, fading more and more.

"Sayonara, Shadow The Hedgehog."


Shadow jolted up out of bed, tears running down his face, his whole body covered in sweat. He sat there as he cried his heart out. He cried and cried.

After some time, he looked at the clock on his nightstand. The ceremony was going to start soon. He claimed out of bed, getting dressed for the day. He threw on a blue scarf before he left their home.

And now he stood in front of a giant gold statue of his beloved. Candles lit around it, flowers surrounding the statues feet.

He looked up at the staue as his eyes watered for the 100th time that day.

"You are nothing else but shinning and everywhere at once," He whispered underneath his breath.

"You're everything where everyone who is or ever was"



I hope you enjoyed this little work of mine! I got inspired by the song you see above, and I knew instantly I had to write something!

I'm sorry for any typos or errors I haven't written in a while.

Thank you for reading! I have more stuff coming up soon!!

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