We got here.

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Let's take a moment and ask ourselves that question again: How did we get here? I could almost ask myself that for right now because I wasn't very personal more than I was existential in that last paragraph (Whoops), but life is still so much bigger than that. I still don't know if this was an accident or if I was born to be a genius calculating his life decisions perfectly, but I did learn some other things while trying to figure it out. I think that I can teach you something too, and that's not only using what I've written so far. I can teach you how to teach yourself.

Do you have any regrets? That's a fair question to ask me, and my answer may shock you, because I don't think I do. There are things that I probably wouldn't have done given the knowledge that I have now, but that knowledge didn't come from nothing. How did I learn that? We learn things in a lot of different ways, but I think we learn best from experience. For every "regret" that I might have, I feel oddly at peace with it because I know that I'll be okay and that I won't do it again.

I have done so many dumb things. I spent 3 years as an active Twitter user and made myself public enemy #1 to a whole community. I have said dumb things. I have lost friends. I have wasted a significant part of my childhood, arguably. I blamed problems on my Autism. Some of you may have read the section on beliefs and thought that I'm STILL dumb. There are even dumb things that I have no memory of. Yet, for all of those dumb things, I learned something. I learned how to be a good person because of my childhood. I learned how to respect views because I spent so long on Twitter where my views were never respected. I learned how to converse with others because I learned not to blame problems on my Autism after doing it as a kid. I learned about the world of technology because stayed willfully ignorant to it for so long. I have made countless mistakes over the years and I will probably continue to make more, but I had to learn to accept myself. I gave up dwelling on my past in favor of fixing myself for the future.

We all make so many silly mistakes and I am no exception to that. Every chapter, though, and every story that I told had some sort of moral. There was something to learn. By being open to any ideas and exploring them constantly, I've weaponized my mistakes to make myself better. I've been told that people don't really get a problem with me. That didn't happen my accident. I am flawed and I have made problems with people before, but in any experience that I have had, I made choices then that I can choose against now. We are not confined to how we are born. We are not set to be one way if we are willing to change ourselves and understand others. It may not be easy, but I believe that anyone is capable. It is in our human nature to learn, grow, and adapt.

Do I see myself on a higher mountain because of my views? In a way, that's all this book is. I'm just preaching my views by telling stories of my life. I have to admit that I was very cautious of this route knowing that writing a book about your ideology is a very easy way to accidentally follow in the footsteps of Hitler, but I think there's more to it than that. I set out to answer a question, and I think the average person may have something of an answer too. That was ultimately my goal. Maybe just to understand this idea is luck of nature, but if I can share what I believe to be wisdom with others and utilize said nature to nurture them, then I absolutely will.

"How did we get here?" may be a Minecraft advancement, but it's also a passage about life. It's a question that a person should always ask themselves because they may know more than they think. I only have 18 years of life experience, and I barely remember half of it, but asking myself such a question allows me to utilize it to its full potential. I took only a few days to look at my life and myself, but now, being roughly 40 hours into being 18, I feel more ready than ever. My past is my weapon to perfecting my future.

There is no greater art than the one of understanding who we are.

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