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It was four in the morning when they left the pub. After the bathroom incident, Freen and Becky had opted to sit at one of the tables on the outdoor terrace with heaters, and they spent a long time just talking about life in that place, the art festival, and Patty.

When they said goodbye to Irin near her house, Freen already knew what was going to happen next. Nam had been her friend for many years, and she knew her perfectly well; so when they started approaching the intersection where they were supposed to say goodbye to Heng, it didn't surprise her that Nam left with him.

-But Nam, you can sleep at my house perfectly, don't be silly - said Freen.

-No, no. Anyway, tomorrow I was going to accompany Heng early to something -

-And what is that thing, if I may ask?

-Well, a thing, Freen, a thing - Nam rolled her eyes and grabbed onto Heng's arm - besides, Heng and I have a lot to discuss -

-Sure - she said, squinting as she watched them walk away to the boy's house. - Anyway - she turned to Becky - I'm sorry for my friend's total insensitivity -

-Don't worry, it's okay - Becky smiled with her hands in her pockets - I don't know why I get the feeling that Nam assumed I was going to sleep with you -

-Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, she's -

-Freen - she interrupted. She approached her, intertwining their hands, and kissed her very close to her ear - I'm dying to sleep with you - she whispered - but I don't want to do anything you don't want to do -

-There's nothing in the world I want more than that, Becky - Freen whispered back - I don't know what's happening to me, I'm not usually like this - she continued speaking with her lips pressed against the girl's cheek - I don't know what you're doing to me -

-Much less than I'd like - she laughed in her neck, making Freen's hair stand on end.

-Oh, really? - she asked - Are you going to tell me what you want? -

Well... - Becky pulled away to look Freen in the eyes - I really want to eat pancakes - Freen laughed out loud very close to Becky's lips, who smiled so much her face hurt.

-Well, pancakes it is - This time Freen took her hand, and they headed to the apartment.

When Becky walked through the door, Freen's scent multiplied by a thousand, and she felt like she could faint right there. That place wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. It was full of books and seemed to emit a peace enforced through work. Becky was surprised when she felt a fur ball brushing against her jeans.

-Do you have a cat? - she asked.

-Yes, it's true I hadn't told you. You're not allergic, are you? - Freen looked at her with concern.

-No, no - Becky said, crouching down to pet the animal, which arched its back at the touch - it seems friendly -

-Yes, Sam can be very friendly with strangers, believe me. His outbursts of hatred are reserved for me -

-I didn't take you for a cat person, to be honest. I could swear you were a dog person -

Becky knew there was a hidden truth in that statement, and for a moment, she felt bad about Freen's disadvantage in their relationship.

-Not at all - Freen shook her head - I've never had a dog, but I can confirm that I'm a cat person -

Becky was puzzled. She could have sworn Freen told her she had a dog the night they met. Had she also erased her pet from her mind? That was totally impossible.

-I'll let you change. Make yourself at home- she smiled, handing her pajamas and towels once they were in the bedroom - I'll see if I have everything to make pancakes, or we'll have to make a visit to the 24-hour store downstairs. -

-I hope so, or we'll have to go hunting at night like in prehistoric times - Becky said as she took off her shirt. She could see Freen looking away and heading to the door. She found Freen's shyness endearing, and at the same time, she had to fight against her instinct to want to tear her clothes off all the time. It was amazing everything she made her feel at once.

Freen took the opportunity to change clothes in the small bedroom and went out to the kitchen to see if the plan for pancakes could or could not be carried out. Surprisingly, she had everything she needed.

-Well, I can't believe you're actually going to cook for me at five in the morning - Becky entered the kitchen.

-I would do anything for you - Freen thought. -Too intense for a first date? Was that what they had? - I'm also hungry, though - she finally replied - But I won't lie, I'm more of a pizza slice person after a party.


What's your name? - silence - I'm Freen - more silence - You see, I live next door, if you want to talk for a while, we can take a walk, or have something at that 24h pizza around the corner.

-My God - Freen whispered.

-Freen, what's wrong - Becky approached - are you okay? Does your head hurt? - - she hesitated. Should she tell Becky or not? She supposed the time had come to make a decision - I have this feeling of wanting to remember something. Like when you have a word on the tip of your tongue. I know it sounds weird, I'm sorry -

Becky felt every muscle in her body tense up. If she asked, she ran the risk of breaking the promise she made to Patty, but if she didn't show the slightest interest in Freen's confession, it might give the impression that she didn't care.

-Do you want to talk about it? - Becky asked cautiously.

-I don't know...I don't have much to tell - Freen whispered - Let's say I had a crisis a while ago because of something that happened to me, and well, I have a huge hole in my memory of what happened that night. I've spent years trying to reconstruct the images of that void unsuccessfully, but now it seems like my memories are coming back as if water were seeping through the cracks -

-If you say it caused you that...why would you want to remember it? - Becky felt her heart pounding in her ears.

-It's just that...all of this sounds so silly, Becky, I'm almost embarrassed to tell you,- said Freen, looking at the ground. Becky glanced at her significantly, encouraging her to continue. -Well, you see, that night I met someone. Someone who disappeared and I could never find. I don't remember anything about her, not her face, not her voice; nothing. And yet somehow my brain got stuck on her. I even dedicated a book to her- she sighed. -You must think I'm crazy.-

-No, Freen, I don't think you're crazy,- Becky sighed. -I think it's very brave of you to be telling me this. I would like to help you,- she said, the most sincere she had been all night.

-I know... I don't know why all this is happening to me right now.-

-What do you mean?-

-Well, it's strange to have spent six years trying to remember something and now it all comes back, when all I want is to create new memories.-

Becky closed the distance between them in the kitchen, moved by how Freen was trying to deal with her demons. -I would love for you to let me be part of those new memories,- she said, approaching Freen who, leaning on the counter, lowered her arms that she had kept crossed over her chest while she watched Becky approach, anticipating the imminent contact. Becky pressed her body against Freen's, letting her weight fall on her. Freen sighed.

-You're doing it pretty well - she whispered. -All I do is think about you.-



FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now