Chapter 1: Troubles And Danger

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Unknown Place↣↣↣

A small teenage girl moves forward cautiously, after seeing herself surrounded by darkness, and just a tent in front of her providing light. The flickering lights showed the arrows pointing inside.
She is in a black hoodie, covering her face with the hood, while her eyes dart back and forth around the vacant area. She heard distant animal sounds inside.

She went inside the tent removing the flimsy drapes of canvas, seeing flickering lights showing a dim-lit way. She removed the last drape, anticipating a sudden scare, but saw an abandoned ground with some broken pieces of materials laying around.

She looked around trying to find another soul, "Hello?"
Hearing her voice echo a bit, she tried again, "Hello?"
Just as she tried to step on the ledge, the lights suddenly turned on, "Hello?!"

Stumbling back, she tried to compose herself, seeing as some birds flew out behind her. Just then, she saw the lit screen before her, hearing an announcement, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! The Flying Graysons !!!"

The lit screen showed the announcing words, along with a small animation of an individual swinging on a trapeze. The surrounding lights turned on and the teenage girl looked up, seeing a man sitting freely on a trapeze.

Looking further, a small boy and a woman is seen standing on the ledge at one end, waving around. The girl was confused as to why she didn't see them earlier.

Just then, the woman swing forward on the trapeze near her. Just as let go of that, the man grabbed her legs and let the flow of the swinging trapeze locked inside his knee-pit support him.
The boy swung forward and somersault above the woman, who caught the still swinging trapeze, and caught the hands of the man. Swinging back, the boy let go of the man and swung alongside the woman.

Looking at them, the teenager realized from the smooth and synchronizing movements, that they are a family. Mesmerized by the view before her, she couldn't help but smile a bit at the feeling of joy and happiness radiated from their beings.

The boy let go of the trapeze and stood on the ledge, and his mother swung forward catching her husband's arms. Noticing all this, she saw the boy grabbing the swinging trapeze to catch up with his parents.
As they were swinging forward, the screen erased the word 'FLYING', and just as the woman was about to catch her son's arms, the rope holding the adults' trapeze broke.

The girl screamed as the parents fell off, just as horrified as the son who tried to grab his mother, but just was able to graze her fingers and watched his parents fall off to their deaths.

The girl screamed, seeing the scene happening just above her, and suddenly sat up on her bed, terrified of what she just witnessed. She breathed heavily, hearing her mother move towards her, "Rachel"
She looked towards her and tried to say what she saw, "The circus again! The boy..."

She tried to lower the tremors in her as she heard her mother, "Take a breath, honey. Just calm down".
She further continued, "He watched as his parents fell, just... Just like that woman", taking a deep breath, "Oh God, It was... It was so scary, I felt it"

Her mother tried to console her, "It was just another dream. Okay, just... Just breathe like we practiced, Okay?"
Rachel followed her mother's advice, and did as she told.
She took deep breaths, calming the tremors in her body, "Good girl. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. Okay?"
Feeling the soft strokes of her mother, she calmed down. She nodded in response and heard her, "Sweetie, you need to get a little more rest. Come on"

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