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"Welcome to your first combat lesson," Professor Devera announced. She gave a speech warning us not to be surprised if the seniors were called into service early to man middle posts or reinforce the forward Squads. "This is also the only course where you not only have to obey a rider as a professor, but also a scribe," she finished and gestured towards the stairs. A man lifts the hem of his cream-colored robe and descends the lecture hall steps. 

"You will respect Colonel Markham like any other professor," says Professor Devera. "He is the leading authority in Basgiath on all matters, not only concerning our history, but also current events. Some of you may not know this, but information from the front lines is actually received in Bagiath before it is sent to the king in Calldyr will be sent, so hear everything here first."

 I flinch slightly at the mention of my father, while Cam next to me doesn't even bat an eyelid. Sloane, who is sitting next to him, looks at me questioningly. "I just didn't expect them to tell us that," I said to her. She just nodded and leaned back in her chair. Cam gave me a look that said something like "pull yourself together or you'll betray us and then I'll finish you off." great brother. I rolled my eyes and tried to concentrate on the lesson.

 "We usually start with the first year ones," Professor Devera says after Markham leads the class with Violet. But neither Markham nor Violet and Squad Leader of Second Squad Rhiannon Matthias (Violet's friend) seemed to care because they asked more questions. It was funny to see Professor Devera desperately trying to keep the focus on us in the first year and keep Markham from revealing all the information.

 My hand went up. I had heard a lot about the attack on Ahebyne and knew that the questions asked by others in my year were not important questions. Devera saw me and nodded to me. "Do you think it's possible that the enemy knew that the outpost was evacuated for the War Games and tried to take advantage of the situation?" I asked.

 Everyone looked at me like I was out of my mind, only the second year guys looked like they were thinking the same thing. I looked at Violet and Sawyer who were sitting a few rows behind me. Violet nodded at me while Sawyer gave me a thumbs up. Professor Devera and Markham exchange a look.

 "We do," Professor Devera finally replied. But I wasn't finished yet. "But the delayed response would indicate a delay in the flow of information, correct?" I continued. "The outpost was evacuated for how long? A few days?" "Five days, to be exact," Markham replied. "And this attack happened eight days after he was reoccupied." His gaze goes to Violet, then to the rows above. Rhiannon's hand went up. "What could have disrupted the flow of communications through our outpost?" she asked. "Well, the nearby Porom outpost, Resson, was destroyed in Porom riots a few weeks ago. We think that may be the reason." 

I stole a glance at Cam but he just looked at his notebook. I knew what he was thinking about was not Poromian unrest, but Veneni. Violet raised her hand and Devera calls to her. "Where were the griffin riders found in the outpost?" "Near the armory." Devera replied. I had to talk to Violet. Why would she ask that question and then look even more serious than before. Did she know about Xaden's deal? The lesson continued but I tuned out until the lesson was over.

 I apologized to my brother before running into the crowd where Violet had disappeared. And there she was, talking to someone. Bodhi. I slowly walked towards them and just when I was almost there they separated and Bodhi came towards me. "Are you stalking me?" he asked me with a playful smile. "You'd probably like that." I replied before walking past him. "Violet, wait for me." I called after her. When she heard me she turned around and stopped. "Hi, how can I help you?" "I, well..." I paused. Should I really ask her? She frowned at me before her gaze went past my head and stopped somewhere. She laughed lightly.

 "Well if you want to know if Bodhi has a girlfriend then I have to say I have no idea but the way he's staring at you I doubt it." I didn't believe my ears, but I still turned around and saw Bodhi actually staring at me. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly turned back to Violet. "Exactly, that's what I wanted to ask you." I decided to wait and see for now. Violet put her hand on my shoulder. "I can set something up there." She said before disappearing into the crowd. What does she want to set up?

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