𝟬𝟮 The First Premonition

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"You alright (Y/n)?" Eren asked with his scratchy, youthful voice. His round face and big green eyes were so close to mine it was almost threatening.

"Yes.." I said, stumbling to get up and brush the dust off my cadet uniform. "That was pretty good."

"Yeah I know." He said smugly. "I've been up all night practicing, while everyone else is asleep. I think I'm ready to join the Scouts - I'm going to slaughter every single titan in this world! Wh--"

The hazy memory dissipated in front of my eyes when I felt a weight lift from my arm. A swirl of dim colours clouded my vision.

"You alright (Y/n)?" He asked worriedly, leaning forward to see my face.

"Yes.." I mumbled, rubbing one side of my forehead. "I'm fine, I think it's just all the time I spent indoors getting to me."

"Levi really fucked you up, didn't he!" Eren muttered angrily. "When I find that ba--"

"It's alright!" I insisted, pushing his arm down. "Calm down. I'm sure the people above us can hear everything."

We were in a cramped, square shaped space, the sandstone walls coated in powder and dust. I could hear every single footstep and word spoken from above us - maybe it was some sort of apartment complex. If I had to guess where we were, it was in a storage area. The doctor's uniform lay discarded in the corner and I was left in simple attire he had bought for a small price - a cotton long-sleeve shirt with a collar and buttons, and trousers similar to the scout uniform.

"Sorry." He sighed, sitting back down on a box. 

"So, what's the plan?"

"Well," He begun. "Thanks to you, I've found Zeke Jaeger. He will come back with us to Paradis amidst all the commotion... I've been sending letters back home. They know exactly when to come, and what to do. I will fight and eat the War Hammer Titan, who I'm sure is going to be there.." 

For the first time his voice was monotone and cunning, there was even a malicious undertone to it. My stomach churned at the thought of innocent civilians getting harmed or killed, but it seemed as though the plan was already set in stone.

"This brother of yours I've helped to locate is going to help us?" I asked inquisitively.

"Yes. The two of us made a deal." 

"How did you send those letters from the internment zone?" I threw another question at him, disliking the ambiguity of his explanation. I've always trusted Eren. Hell, I'd even trust him with my life. But something was off. I felt as though he was keeping more than one secret from me, and I wasn't used to the feeling.

"Someone else sent them for me. A good kid," He said quietly. I shifted in my seat, crossing my legs and resting my elbows. "Listen, your role in this is the most important. When I call for you, at about this time in 3 days, I need you to help me."

He leaned forward slightly, his eyes intent on piercing mine. "Backup I'm guessing?"

"Yep. I don't expect the fight with the Warhammer Titan to be easy. The others will be preoccupied with clearing our escape route."

"Okay.. I'll try my best. But I haven't fought a Titan in a really long time.. I don't know if I'm in the right shape for it," I muttered, raising my frail arm in acknowledgement. "I mean, look at me Eren."

"I haven't done much fighting either in the past year either. I know I can trust you, that's why I asked. Besides, I've never seen anyone slit a Titan's throat better than you." A chuckle escaped his throat. It was the first time I'd seen him smile in a long time.

"You're so romantic." I joked, a grin tugging at my lips. I loved when he looked so content, his cheeks rising with his smile and his eyes gently shut. 

"Romantic?" He repeated. The glow in his widened eyes was still there but his mouth quivered in confusion. "I.."

I felt Aphrodite's warmth on my cheeks and avoided his gaze. "I was just joking Eren." I interrupted before I got the chance to feel further embarrassed. As painful as it was, I forced myself to brush it off. 

Maybe I really have gone insane from living in that place. I forgot, he doesn't like me like that. The constant, wrenching ache in my heart is a reminder, but I must have grown more resistant to it.

That jade green eye was washed out now. I slowly tucked the waves of hair behind my ear with a swoop of a hand as the silence screamed in the stuffy air, sliding off the barrel and picking up the doctor's coat. Eren's eye followed my movement.

"I feel tired, I'm going to sleep." I said quietly, shaking the dirt off the coat and flattening it onto the cracked, cold floor. It's going to be a long night, that's for sure

"(Y/n).." Eren huffed, slipping out of a tattered brown jacket. He still hadn't healed his leg but he seemed to be very used to hobbling around with one. Using his cane, he kneeled down and spread the jacket over my upper body.

"Thanks." I whispered, turning to face the wall and shutting my eyes. The deep red I saw instantly turned to black with a blow of a candle, followed by some shifting and then.. nothing. 

Tiny grains of red, blue and yellow danced around in the dark. I felt my body relax, as if falling victim to a hypnotic ritual. The specks grew larger, forming into irregular blobs, that continued to move around and spiral, morphing into one, expanding, steadily expanding...

I am not sure what I am. But I see something, something in the distance. It's an open door.

My bare feet sink in the pearly fine sand as I get closer. Behind my shoulder I don't see anything but an extension of what's already there. An endless dune of white, surrounded by a peculiar version of the sky which warps and jolts aggressively. It looks similar to a place I think I've seen before, but it's uncomfortably brighter. What is this place? Am I supposed to be here or am I an intruder in this space?

I have reached the door. I'm surprised when I see it doesn't lead to a room, but to a balcony overlooking a densely populated area in Marley. Two people are talking. Two middle-aged men, materialised from a thin mist. They don't notice my presence, or they're pretending not to. I don't believe I know who they are. Their words come out in a scramble, it almost hurts my head when I attempt to decipher whatever it is they're talking about. 

"Are you sure?"

"...must be done..."

"..guess which one...."

"..the Warhammer Titan....."

"..must sacrifice myself. It's the only way people will listen."

I frown, stepping in between them. I am looking a man in the eyes but he is staring straight through me. It all feels too real to be a mere dream. This man, I'm sure I've heard his voice before. Without any warning, my body begins to tense up and my eyes are forced shut by an invisible force. 

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