𝟬𝟱 Death Omen

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"There you are!"

Sasha dropped down from a rooftop and landed steadily in front of me. I almost couldn't recognise her - her hair was shorter. Still tied back in her signature style. She had always been a bit shorter than me but we were now the same height.

"Sasha." I forgot about the chaos that had ensued around me. I had been waiting so long for us to meet again.

"(Y/n)! We'll catch up on the way back. Quick, you have to change into this. Fighting in that won't help you." She gestured towards my diplomat costume and tossed me a heavy bundle of clothes and metal. I nodded, kicking the glass door of an apartment building down and using the abandoned inside foyer as cover to change.

The new scout uniforms were intended for camouflage in the dark and looked much more flexible, the ODM gear looked like it had been improved too. Sleek black undersuits with a metal breastplate and many straps, slithered like snakes tightly across the legs and arms. These were designed to fight humans. I strapped the gear on carefully and returned to Sasha.

With a running start, we swung onto the nearest rooftop so we wouldn't get caught in the mess on the ground. Sasha had a rifle, which she vigorously used to eliminate the opposing military, some of which were also on top of buildings, trying to get the high ground.

I whipped out a blades from each side. I didn't have any other weapons, so I would have to make good use of them. I crept along the side of the roof. My grappling hooks cemented themselves into cracking chimneys and walls as I made my way to a group of Marleyan soldiers who were in attack formation, shooting below them from a flat roof. 

I spun through the strong winds and landed loudly on one knee, hoping none of them had heard the noise behind them. I didn't bother to wait. 

One was preoccupied with trying to land a hit on a scout. I beheaded him from behind. The soldier next to him didn't notice, so I continued with a swift slice. My throat closed up as someone put me in a chokehold with both arms from behind, screaming for someone else to shoot me. I panicked, gritting my teeth and kicking my feet off the man in front of me with all my strength, causing us both to fall over close to the edge. I pushed him off before he could recover, but turned around to see his comrade, about to finish me off. I could feel the adrenaline, the blood gushing through my veins. I can't die yet.

A swift blow to the head and he fell backwards. I squinted at the dark figure floating in the air behind me. It's Connie Springer.

"Nice... to see you.. (Y/n).." He said breathlessly, his hands on his knees. 

"Thanks for saving my life! Nice to see you too, Connie." I grinned, hitting him on the shoulder playfully and stepping off the edge. I felt the air's resistance push my back upwards, like I had an eagle's wings. Just before I hit the ground, the hooks clung to two buildings, propelling me upwards. With the momentum, I glided through the air smoothly down the district. That feeling would never get old.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" A deep cry emanated from the stage.

I frowned. This seemed a bit too soon. 

I returned to the stage as fast as I could. The Warhammer Titan stood, in all its glory, in the center of all the rubble. I watched it materialise another weapon, some sort of scythe, about to end Eren's life. My pupils dilated as I focused on the target. 

I took a deep breath and jumped from the shadows, spiralling through the air and holding my blades out as I sped past the back of the Titan's neck. The nape fell clean off, the cut so deep it almost tipped the head clean off, but it was still standing. My eyes widened, trying to understand why it didn't drop dead immediately.

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