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We all piled into Bambam's car. I refused to ride with Somi, this was her fucking fault. I was in the backseat hysterically crying into Seulgi's chest. I just feel like my life has been torn upside down in the span of a second. Of all people, why'd this have to happen to Jennie? She didn't deserve this, no one truly does.

We made it to the hospital not long after, Seulgi had helped me out of the car. By then, I had stopped crying. I felt numb, numb to the world and everything in it. My face was motionless. I tried to pretend that none of this was real, that it was some sick joke that my mind was playing on me, some dream that I could just wake up from.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Seulgi asked as we walked into the hospital. I just stared at her, I had nothing to say. I obviously wasn't okay. She sighed.

We went to the front desk and Seulgi asked the lady what room Jennie Kim was in. She explained to her that we were friends of hers but the woman still wouldn't tell us.

Seulgi was getting pissed, and beginning to yell. Just as they were about to ask us to leave, Jennie's parents and siblings walked through the door.

Ella ran over to me and immediately engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back. She pulled back to look at me, her eyes were red and puffy like mine, except she was still crying. Just looking at her made me want to break down again.

"We're the parents of Jennie Kim." I head Jiyong tell the receptionist as Dara was beside him crying her eyes out.

Jackson walked over to where Ella and I were, his eyes were red as well but he wasn't crying like his younger sister or his mom, he was trying his hardest to be strong. He joined in our hug.

"It's going to be okay guys, she's going to pull through. If there's anything I know about Jennie, she's a true fighter and will come out on top." Jackson spoke quietly into our ears. I nodded and hoped he was right.

I heard the receptionist tell Jennie's parents to have a seat and the doctor will be with us in a moment. Dara and Jiyong walked over to me and hugged me just as Jackson and Jessica had done.

Dara kissed my forehead. She pulled my face between her hands.

"It's going to be okay Lisa." She said and I nodded, burying my head into her chest. Clinging to the woman who was an older version of Jennie.

We took our seats and waited patiently until a doctor came out.

"You're the parents of Jennie Kim?" He asked Dara and Jiyong who nodded.

He frowned. "Well, she lost a lot of blood. She's got some internal bleeding along with a minor skull fracture, she's also got a pretty bad concussion and she's pretty banged up. She's in surgery now. I have to tell you, she's a fighter. Her heart stopped two times but she came through. She's strong." He said calmly. I felt my heart ache at the revelation that her heart stopped not once, but twice.

"Is she going to be okay?" Dara asked after holding onto Jiyong for dear life.

"She's in critical condition right now and it's hard to tell. We'll let you know as soon as possible, like I said before, she's a fighter." He said tentatively and walked away around the corner.

I got up and walked away as well. I heard my name being called in the distance by either Seulgi or Bambam, I couldn't tell. I ignored them, I didn't want to face anyone at the moment. I walked somewhere in the hospital, I had no idea where I was going, I just needed to go.

Once I found an empty hall, I completely broke down, violent sobs racked my body and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I buried my head into my lap and just let the tears fall, I let those unattractive crocodile tears fall from my eyes, it was the only thing that I could do.

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