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"You ready baby?" I asked, sitting on the bed in our hotel room waiting for Lisa to walk out of the bedroom.

She yelled yes through the door but still didn't come out. What was I going to do with her. After about 5 more minutes she decided to come out.

"You look beautiful." I smiled, kissing her cheek lovingly. She was always beautiful in my eyes.

"Thank you," her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink and I couldn't help but giggle.

I abbed her hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Where are we going?" She asked and I gave her the vaguest answer possible.

"Out." I shrugged, getting a raised eyebrow from the younger brunette.

"Out where?" She asked, persisting I tell her. I just smirked and kissed her cheek, guiding us out of the hotel doors.

There were paparazzi shouting at us and flashing cameras but Lisa and I did our best to ignore them as we waited for our cab.

"Jennie, Lisa! How are you two?"

A man who looked to be around his late 20's asked. He was also holding a camera like the others around but he wasn't pointing it at us and taking pictures.

I wrapped my arm around Lisa's waist as she snuggled into my side, resting her head comfortably on my shoulder. Lisa leaned up and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush slightly but you probably wouldn't be able to tell due to the cold weather.

"We're great actually, she flew all the way out here to see little ole me." I smiled down and the gorgeous girl who was rolling her eyes at me.

"Which is surprising because I'm not that special."

Lisa lightly hit me on the arm and playfully glared at me.

"Shut up. You know I would do anything for you mandu." I laughed as well as the guy who had asked us the question a few seconds ago.

"Of course I know. I'd do anything for you too, baby."

I heard the paparazzi guy in awe and that caused me to blush again. A moment later, our taxi cab pulled up.

"It was nice talking to you two lovely ladies. I hope you have a great day!"

We said our goodbyes to the guy who waved at us as we left the hotel.

He was one of those genuine paparazzi that didn't dehumanize the celebrities they were usually taking pictures of. He was polite and had an actual conversation with us.

He didn't bring up any of the drama that surfaced on social media and I was completely thankful for that.

He literally only talked about us and asked how we were doing and I wish more paparazzi would be as kind and as thoughtful as he was.

Yeah, his job was to take pictures of us without asking but he was just so nice and friendly that I didn't mind, unlike the rude few that were just yelling a bunch of shit at us.

During the can ride I could tell my girlfriend was a little anxious. She would always get that way when I didn't tell her exactly where we would be going or what we would be doing.

I placed my hand on her thigh, trying to get her to calm down a little.

"Relax babe." I cooed, rubbing her thigh softly.

"Why won't you just tell me Nini?" She persisted, I sighed.

"Do you really want to know?" She nodded her head vigorously and I contemplated on telling her.

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