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What a turn of events today. It goes from being the most horrible day of my life to being one of the best I've encountered in all my 17 years of living. I wouldn't change today's events for anything.

MY BEAR: Lisa, where are you? I'm coming over.

ME: I'm at home Bear, you know where the key is, let yourself in.

I can't wait and tell Seulgi what happened at the Marco's a couple of hours ago. Well, not the Nancy bit of it all but the meeting Jennie Kim part. I'm still in shock at the unexpected events. I can't believe I met The Popstar Jennie Ruby Jane Kim and she asked for my number. My number! Of all people, she asked me. No one has ever shown any interest in me before, so why would an extremely world famous popstar show any signs of interest? I'm sure she just felt sorry for me because I couldn't afford tickets.

“Monkey!” I hear Seulgi obnoxiously yell from downstairs.

“I'm in my room!” I call out to her. She's probably raiding my fridge for food, she does this every time she's over.

“Lisa, you all need to go grocery shopping. I'm about to die of hunger! It's literally the Hunger Games in there.”

“You do know that's not what it's about right?” She scoffs, plopping down in the chair at my desk.

“We'd have plenty of food if it wasn't for you and your raiding sessions!”

She shrugs her shoulders eating a bag of lays potato chips she must have found in the pantry.

“Seulgi, you'll never guess what happened to me today!”

She raises an eyebrow signalling for me to continue.

“Well after I left school, I went to my special place to think. But then it was starting to get late so I stopped to get pizza,”

“We have to talk about what happened back at school.” I ignore her.

“So then I went to the restroom,”

I kind of left out the part where Nancy and her gang kind of beat the shit out of me but I'll tell her that some other time because I know how Seulgi gets when she finds out they've done something to me. She goes all poly beat down on their ass. One time Nancy shoved me into the lockers in front of her and she literally almost broke the girl's nose. She's really protective of me and I love her for that but sometimes she doesn't need to be. Now, Nancy only does things to me when she's not around.

She huffs and I can tell she's getting annoyed because I'm avoiding her question and not getting straight to the point.

“When I walked out, I ran into someone,”

“Gosh Lisa, you're so clumsy! When aren't you running into someone?” I shrug my shoulders and continue explaining what happened.

“You'll never guess who I ran into,” before she can even respond I yell out.


A blank expression comes across her face.

“Seulgi, say something!”


“S-Bear you there?” I snap my fingers in her face.

“Earth to Seulgi!”

She comes out of her blank state, “Did you just say you met Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?”

“Yes Seulgi! I did and she even asked for my number!” She looks at me as if she's about to explode.

“Oh my god Lisa!”

She runs over and jumps on top of me. I yelp loudly, the fresh bruises from Nancy's beating still prominent. This definitely did not go unnoticed by Seulgi. Shit. It was only a matter of time before she'd find out.

“Lalisa, what's wrong?” She used my whole name. Shit.

“Um nothing! I just fell… uh off my bike coming home from …. um Marco's..” I lie.

“I know you're lying, now tell me what happened.”

She can always tell when I'm lying, I don't know why I even tried lying to her in the first place.

“Um at Marco's, I kind of ran into Nancy and her 2 clones.” I say in a whisper.

“What did they do to you Lisa, I swear to fucking god,”

I hate when she gets like this, don't get me wrong I really love her protective side I just don't want her to get hurt over something I did.

“Seulgi calm down! It was my fault. I des..” she cuts me off.

“Stop right there, you stop right there Lalisa. This isn't your fault! Don't ever blame yourself for what they did to you.”

But it has to be my fault, I did this right? I deserved it. Right? That's what I keep telling myself.

“Lift your shirt up.”

“Seulgi, I don't think that's nec..”

She cuts me of once again.

“Lift your damn shirt.” She says more sternly than before.

I do as told and lift my shirt. Horror, shock, anger, all emotions unravelled  as she looked at my bruised and battered stomach. I can tell she's about to fly off the handle.

“What the fuck Lalisa? You think this shit is okay?”

Tears start to form in her eyes. Like I've said before, she hates to see me hurt. I run up to her and pull her into my arms. She hugs me tightly, immediately letting go after flinch at the contact.

“I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill them,”

“No! Seulgi you won't okay?”

“How can I let this go? They fucking HURT you.”

I know ugh, she's right. She's usually always right.

“You can't fight fire with fire Seulgi.” Oh that's right I have to be all calm and shit. Don't want more trouble than there already is.

“I guess you're right. Next time something happens, I'm not letting you talk me out of beating their asses.”

I smile at her appreciatively.

“Thank you.”

“So, Jennie Kim,” she says with a smirk.

“Nothing happened Seulgi! She just gave me 2 tickets and 2 backstage passes.”

She jumps up and down excitedly.

“Holy shit, Lisa are you serious?”

I grab the items Jennie gave me earlier and hand them to her.

“Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!” she exclaims and I can't help but laugh.

“We're so going!” She tells me.

“Who said I was taking you?” I say with nothing but seriousness.

“Gurrrl you'd be crazy not to take this fine piece of ass!”

My seriousness gone, I bust out in laughter.

“Yeah, you're right. I'd be crazy not to Bear!”

“You know the dance is tomorrow right? You're coming,”

I give her a look saying 'Are you serious I'm not going to that shit.'

“No questions about it, you are coming my little Barbie doll.”

I know she won't give up so best thing for me to do is give in.

“Ugh, fine!”

“I knew you'd give in, you can't resist all uh dissssss.” She says in her hometown accent she can muster up while raising her hands up and down her body.

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