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i carry it like a drug
it haunts me when i least expect it,
taunts me when i don't have it
it pleases me when i dream it,
teases me when i feel it

i carry it like a drug
it soothes me when im with my family
wounds me when im alone
i watch it fly past me,
day to day, wonder when
when will my time of love be?

i carry it like a drug
my friends posses it,
i only test it
they say wait,
for love finds, not chases
why did it run past me?

i carry it like a drug
oh how my heart feels for you
oh how my heart bleeds for you
oh the wonders you make me believe in
why isn't it real?
why hasn't love loved me like i do her?
when will my time of love be?

i carry you like a drug
grasping hold of you on first meet,
hands cramping from the grip
you never showed up
not on your own
you showed up because i asked you to
the moment my i dreamt of you,
the moment my heart sang
the moment i saw you in my reality,
the moment my heart sank

i no longer carry you like a drug
my addiction has ceased
you aren't lovely

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