Chapter 5: The dance part 2

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Cj POV: It was the end of the day and I saw Fenwick talking to a girl I started to walk up to them and said hello to Fenwick and he just stared at me and said hi Cj how was ur day good I said who this I said too him oh this is Ashley she new here Fenwick said too me then I saw Crispo and I walked up too him and said Fenwick with a girl and he said I know he told me and I think Fenwick likes her Crispo said too me and I was shock Fenwick never has a crush on a girl before but he dose now I heard the bell rang and I quickly went to my locker and grab my backpack and I said bye to Crispo and Fenwick and the new girl and walk home..End of POV

(Not editing) 

The next day

Cj POV: "Ahhhhhhh." I scream I had this horrible dream that Crispo ask me too the dance and I said yes.Wait I just forgot Crispo did ask me too the dance yesterday I am so dumb anyways my parents must of heard me screaming because they were standing next to the door way looking at me.

"Sweetie are you OK." My mom asked and my dad looked at me concerned "Ummm everything OK I said." Then Robbie ran all the way from his room too mine, and saying if I was Okay. Why is everyone saying if I am Okay clearly I am not but I lied and said everything fine I just had a bad dream that all, they looked at me and said alright we'll you better get dressed for school.

When my mom said that I got out of my bed and did my morning routine. I was done I looked in the mirrors and everything ok I grab my backpack and went downstairs I sat down at the table and sigh thinking about Crispo.

My mom said something "Who the boy." "What."  I looked at my mom "Who the boy your thinking about." "What boy?" "There no boy?" I said looking at my mom "We'll there's must be a boy." She said looking at me "We'll there might be a boy." I sigh. "Who is it then?" She asked me one more time "OK, OK." I said its Crispo I said out loud "Ummmmm well are you sure its Crispo, "I mean sweetie come on he is your friend."

"I know but he asked me too the dance yesterday and I said yes." "Well I am so happy you got a date too the dance but if he heart you I we'll." (Didnt finish sentence) "Mom!!!" I said "What?" she ask me confused "I don't know if I want to go out with him I mean he is my friend it we'll be weird." "Make up your mind and we have to get you to school before your late." I looked at the time its 7:20 "Omg." I then grab my backpack and my mom drove me too school.

When I got to school I went to my locker and I put my backpack in my locker, I saw Crispo and he walked up too me "Hey Cj." he said too me i then looked at him and said " Oh hey." "so are you ready to go to class." "Sure let me get my text books." I grab my text book and shut my locker "let's go shall we." Crispo said "we shall." he then grab my hand as we walk to class.

Crispo POV: I am really happy to sew Cj when I got too school I quickly ran to Cj locker and told Cj if she ready to go to class she said yes let me grab my text book first. Once she was dome she closed her locker and we walked to class.

Skip to the end of the day (Sorry)

Crispo POV: It was the end of the day and I was at my locker when Mindy and her crew came up too me and said. "Hey Crispo." Mindy said with a flirty smile. "Ummmm hey Mindy what's up." I said grabbing my backpack and closing my locker. "Oh well I was wondering if you want to go to the dance with me you know." "Oh ugh I already have a date to the dance." "Who?" she said mad its Cj them I started to walk away then Mindy grab my arm. "Crispo you listen hear if you go out with Cj I well make her life miserable." I was so shocked when she said that I let go of her arm and said "look Mindy I don't care because I am going to protect her and I really like Cj." Mindy looked at me then back at her crew. "Oh Crispo please." "No I said its never going to happen." Then i saw Cj and she looked at me I wonder if she herd any of that then she started to run away.

Cj POV: "Omg, omg, omg." I am freaking out Crispo dose like me and Crispo told Mindy right in the face now she going to make my life miserable but Crispo said he we'll protect me how sweet of him. I was running and running I made it all the way home and close the door and sigh. "How ur day sweetie." My mom came tho the kitchen tho the living room. "Oh umm its OK." I sat down at the couch. "Who am I kidding it was horrible mom I mean Crispo and Mindy drama I hate it." Crispo told Mindy, Mindy mad, Crispo like me," I don't know what to do I said to her. "Do you like Crispo." My mom said to me."I haven't really know I mean we are dating I don't know if I like him." I said to my mom. "Maybe I do like him I said I have this weird feeling when I am around him and when I look at him I just want to kiss him so bad." "That ur answer my mom said too me." "what." I said. "That ur answer you do like Crispo." "Omg, omg."I do like Crispo I said out loud.


Hey guys the dance we'll come soon I well have a part 3.
Thanks for the 1.62k reads.
You guys rock.


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