I need a nap

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Our first year of college was harder than anyone made it seem. The campus is weirdly spread out and numbered, the rink is smaller than boys, and I don't think the kid that sat next to us in our Government class ever took a shower.

Maybe it's some sort of ritual? I knew he was familiar but it clicked when I finally found out his name was Justin Close. He's the starting goaltender for the men's team.

He was nice after he found out who I was.

Which was actually really funny because that's how mostly everyone I talked to was.

Scarlett and I shared a dorm all of our time there which was actually pretty great. Scratch that. It was really really awesome.

And our friend group has expanded! I say that because no one could ever replace Yoda, Syd, and Mobius.

Brooke Miller is a year older than me but she's the first person that I really clicked with on campus. She's on the basketball team and kinda gets the struggle of being an amazing female athlete but never as good as a man.

She and her girlfriend went on a few double dates with Scar and I before they broke up.

Petey was in Scarlett's ceramics class before I met him. I think he's a drug dealer because he does drive an SRT but he's a standup guy. Takes care of his grandma down the road. I can honestly say I love him like a brother now.

London is Scarlett's best friend here. At first I thought I would be jealous but Lo's boyfriend, Parker, is such a rich guy he travels everywhere anytime he wants so I'm not mad!

In fact, we took his family's jet to their beach house in Saint Barthélemy which you've probably never heard of because the cheapest house on that Island is $12 million dollars.

Parker actually invited Sydney, Mobius, Michael, and Michael's boyfriend, Taylor, to come with us.

Currently, I was spread out on a towel by the pool. Scarlett was sharing said towel, just close enough I could feel the warmth of her skin but not touching so our tans wouldn't be uneven.

Lo, PK, Mike, T, and Petey went on a scenic hike with a few of Parker's rich friends.

Brooke is tanning on the other side of me. On her own towel of course.

And I'm not entirely sure where Mobius and Sydney were but I kinda didn't want to know. At all. Because they're full fledged boyfriend and girlfriend now. Which I suspected all along and they're cute but it's still an interesting thing to wrap my head around.

Brooke's playlist finally ended and my songs began.

I heard the intro to "Scattered" by Green Day and immediately sat up, "Finally! Stunna is finally off!" I glared down at Brooke who only adjusted her top.

"I love Stunna and sunbathing while listening to her does the job." She opened one eye, "This is Dad music."

I swallowed my joke because technically, my Dad was in my life. He just wasn't very good at his job.

Scarlett seemed to sense my sudden change of mood because she stood up completely and grabbed her phone out from under the small table next to her, "I'm gonna go upstairs and take a little nap."

Brooke groaned because she knew she was about to be left alone.

I rubbed her arm and clicked back on her playlist before moving into the house and up the stairs into the room Scarlett and I were sharing, "Suddenly, I need a nap." I fell back onto the queen bed and kicked off my sandals, pushing myself to the middle of the bed.

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