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"Hey hey!" a woman in an expensive looking suit calls to you, and you turn with your award winning smile.


A few of the male reporters blush and scramble to get closer. Creeps.

"Could you describe what All Might is like as a teacher?"

"Is the school all that it seems to be?"

"Are the pros really qualified to be teaching?"

You fiddle with the wrapper of your juice box straw, not fully paying attention. "Uh, All Might's loud as hell, the school is just as expensive as it looks and I have no clue if any of these guys have teaching credentials but it seems like it-"

"It's time to go."

You feel a hand on your shoulder suddenly, and turn to find the guy from the training exercise the other day. "Oh hey cutie! Oh shit- yeah we're gonna be late byeee!"

He leads you out of the way, avoiding the many questions thrown at the two of you.

"Who are you?"

You blank a bit at the odd question. "I'm me, the fuck?"

He sighs. "I mean who are you in a less literal sense. More specific like what your connection to out teacher is."

You snort. "What connection? Babes, I'm so confused right now. Clarifyyyy."

"You somehow managed to place tenth in the assesment test on the first day despite your less than strong quirk, and I noticefd you make eye contact with him and him nodding seemingly at something you said. Now tell me what your connection is."

"Oh damn- you really did your research huh?" he nods. "I honestly know nothing about him: I've been taught by both quirk and regular physical trainers since I was young, so I'm pretty fit. When I said something to him, I was just making fun of him for changing his mind."

"Changing his mind?" he asks, and you giggle and nod.

"That black haired girl really wanted to seem smart. He was totally planning on expelling that freckled kid, but decided agaisnt it. Probably 'cause he didn't break his- well; everything."

"Oh." the boy mutters. You wink at him as you gently use your index and thumb to take his hand off your shoulder once you're at the door.

"Yeah. Maybe I should do more weird stuff so you'll talk to me again!" you laugh, leaving him confused and speechless outside.


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