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Leaving Myles' room had taken a lot away from me and stilled any naive hope I had to help. The sane part of me was well aware of that any ground I had to stand on was non-existent, but that famous 'glimmer of hope' that people theorised about was becoming more believable, as that's what I was clinging on too.

Like prey to a predator, a dignified paw hauled me into the bathroom further down the hallway from Myles' room, now coming face to face with that 'glimmer of hope', that coincidentally, was the last living creature I wanted anywhere near me right now.

Forcefully backed into the now closed door, I fruitlessly tried my best to pass through to the other side and leave this house before my night could become any worse. I did not want to have his half boozed blazed eyes leering at me any longer or ever again.

'You were in there for a while weren't you?' Marcus drawled at me, planting his palms next to my head, 'Were you trying to fuck him as well?'

What the fuck? Of all the possible things I thought that Marcus would say to me, I did not anticipate that. From the meal earlier, I thought his point had been made about how he capable of spilling my secret, which I had received loud and clear. It was clear now he hadn't dragged my family the whole way here for dinner just to throw snide comment at me.

'Don't try act like you know me. You don't know shit.' I gritted at him, fighting the urge to spit on his slimy face and rub that greasy smile from his mouth.

'I know enough to ruin you and Alexander's reputation around here. I don't think anyone would take kindly to a renowned CEO fucking his lawyers teen daughter.' Marcus taunted in my face.

Before his fingers could start toying with the ends my hair, I slapped the back of his hand away causing him to chuckle at me pathetically. I kept my breaths shallow to avoid having him poison me with his sick breath. Presenting an arduous front, I straightened my back up not letting him feed his power fuelled ego.

'You can't do shit. I have just as much dirt on you, so you better watch yourself.' I said returning a mocking smile of my own, 'Whatever you think you can do to me, I can do right back.'

A dark expression washed over him, agitated by me not cowering down to him in fear of his threat. My respect for him was lost entirely without possibility of being found, leaving him unable to cipher how I could bite back. This man will not make me beg, plead or bow to him just because he was big and strong. I have encountered too many people like him to be intimidated by a narcissistic man's lack of self-esteem.

'You really think anyone would believe you over me.' His breath stained my skin as he growled lowly into my ear, 'I'm respected around here, whereas you're just a stupid young girl. You don't realise how obvious it is that try to seduce all the men at parties. It would just confirm to everyone that you truly are a whore.'

I shoved his chest managing to restore some of my personal space, before being pushed right back against the door. This time he held my neck while his other hand invaded my skirt, grazing across my crotch to toy with the band of my thong underneath. I stayed dangerously still, not giving him the satisfaction of rousing a reaction from me. Though, my insides curdled together in fear of what was going on.

'Get the fuck away from me.' I spat in his face, raising my voice.

'Even now you're dressed in a short skirt with a tiny thong on. I'm impressed you're even wearing underwear at all.' Pinging the band against my skin, cementing his hand back against the door.

'I hope I made my point clear for you.' He lulled softly, 'Say anything and I will make sure everyone knows about you and Alexander.'

I held back a nasty comment cursing him to hell, as I didn't need to spite him any further. Marcus had the upper hand, evident from he had said, which only made me detest this more, as I never stood a chance. It was either lose what my heart felt was best or lose what my head knew was right. It's the cliche of follow your heart, but my heart was tainted and immoral.

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