Part 19: y/n's Constant efforts

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Recap-: y/n was going out in the morning.. but where??

Continuing from where I left--

Author's pov:
Y/n went out & booked a cab, yes your gueses were right she was going to The college, to talk to the principal about her suspension of Lisence, how with any of her permission they could listen to a random graduated girl of their college and suspend any of the students Lisence??, so she went straight to the principal's office while using Nishchay's source as everyone knows him atleast in the whole delhi!! (Ofc it's AIIMS so entry of a person that to the principal office needs a special appointment)

At principal's office--

Y/n-: Good Morning sir!!

A/p (AIIMS principal)-: arre come in ms. Y/n l/n... plss have a seat

(After y/n sat on the chair)

A/p-: what on the earth have took you here??

Y/n-: Sir, Plss answer my questions honestly!

A/p-: yeah but.. (cut off by y/n)

Y/n-: As you no sir I have been Suspended or My license have been suspended from Your college and not only from your college but, even from the whole medical colleges of Delhi university, I wanted to ask who had given you the right to do so! I Mean have you informed me before doing it?? Or from what basis did you suspended me? Have I done anything wrong in the college premises or have I broken the rules? Have you sended any legal notice to my residence?? (In a confidence and Angry voice)

A/p-: Well! Here's the legal notice for it! (Handling the envelope to her), and yess we have suspended you becoz we came to know that you have been targeting Dr. Ayesha Sharma and Threatening her to not get success in her Career coz it will make you weak infront of the college as you were the well known topper of the college.

Y/n-: What?? Kya bakwas hai yeh?? (In an angry tone) 😠

A/p-: I am sorry but if she won't take back her Conplains we can't give back you your license...

Y/n-: Ohhkay Thankyou sir for your Precious time to me!

Author's pov:
She then left the college and went to the Educational Department of Police Station to complain Ayesha for what she had said a lie and File an FIR against her!! She was told to wait for some time but she waited till 5 hours and it was evening by now, she then decided to go back home as it was late and no one came to file a case for her,she was preparing and Application to the Department for the Activation of her Lisence again which took a time!! She was now tired, feeling of loosing hopes and weak, feeling of loosing and Defeat, it was 9 o'clock in the night by now..

At malhan house--

Dimple aunty & Vinay uncle started getting worried about y/n that where she had gone she had left for college at 12 o'clock in the morning and it's been 9 hours she haven't came back so, Dimple aunty said to Nischay and Abhishek to check for her that where is she..

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