3. Rocket Pops

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Orchid POV:

I wake up tired, feeling like I will be in a bad mood today. I get up from bed slowly, my head hurting as I see the sun streaming through my window. I close it, get up to shower, and get dressed for the day.

I pass Kid Ritz on the way out of the shower, and he looks just as ticked off as I feel. I go into my room, flopping onto my bed before I turn onto my back, staring at my poster-covered ceiling.

The minute I returned from Uni, I tossed all the stuffed animals and little kid stuff I had and replaced it with all the slightly alternative things I accumulated over the year.

Mom was real upset to see her baby girl's room change, but I didn't care. Neither did Ritz. Our parents don't seem to understand we're not into the same stuff as we were a year ago. Rageons change, and they need to get over that.

Speaking of change...

I get up and walk to my mirror, looking at myself for a while to try to notice any changes that the twins may have picked up on. I can't see much of a difference, but maybe it's harder to tell since I see my features regularly.

I picture Velv, and how grown up and pretty she is. She screams stunning... yet it kind of hurts to think of her that way. She's my old best friend... who, over time, made me realize how much I like girls... especially ones that look like Velv.

I remember thinking she was cute towards the end of last summer, but I was too chicken to tell her.

Now, I can't help but make a fool out of myself as I tell her any chance I get how pretty she is.


Mom enters my room, looking chipper as always.

Cheryl: "Oreooo"

Orchid: "Please, don't call me that."

Cheryl: "Oh, come on, let me have my fun."

I bite my lip, looking at her through the mirror.

Cheryl: "I came to say your father and I are taking Kathy to dinner tonight in town. We may also catch a movie afterward, who knows. The point is, we need you and Kid Ritz to behave."

Orchid: "Why do you guys keep saying that?"

Cheryl: "Don't think we don't know what you two are doing."

Orchid: "Even if we were, why does it matter? It's not in the house or in front of you."

Cheryl: "I'm sorry if I don't want my kids using that... that, well, heathen drug."

I shake my head exasperatedly, choosing to keep quiet as she sighs.

Cheryl: "It's just not something young Rageons, or any Rageon for that matter, should be doing."

I stay quiet as Kid Ritz enters my room.

Kid Ritz: "We're not doing it, Mom."

Cheryl: "Don't lie to me; how else do you explain the change in you two's demeanor? You dress and act like you'd be high, and sometimes, I think you are!"

Kid Ritz walks next to me, putting his arms around my shoulders.

Kid Ritz: "What time are you guys leaving."

Mom sighs, realizing she's not going to get through to us.

Cheryl: "7:30."

Kid Ritz nods, offering me some of the candy from the box he's eating.

Cheryl: "You know what, I'm going to have the twins come over and watch you guys. I don't trust you two to not do who knows what while we're gone."

Orchid: "We don't need babysitters."

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