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its been a whole day since mellos party and I been drowsy asf since then. I was now home and ngl I ha fun. I'm kinda embarrassed about how I acted though that was so outta character but fucc it idm nomo. I been bed bound for a li min now. I didn't have a headache but I was lazy ASF. today was my off day for amazon but i still had to go to ups later. 

"hey babiess" i said rubbing on draco nd drama as they laid in the bed with me. i looked at my phone nd saw chris called me nd texted me telling me to call him. i also had a missed call from mello, jess nd 3. i sighed nd jus calle jess bacc

"hello" i said 
"hey girl"
"uu been on ig today ?"
"no i jus got up why wha happened"
"them girls from the party went live bout uu. they mad asl. they tb uu duccin yo wreck, uu pussy nd cant fight all typa shi. ole girl took her wig out that bitch got 2 braids now" she said laughing nd i jus shrugged
"ion care they better take it up with god" i said because im not a drama gurl. thats not my bod
"hell yeaa. lmk wha uu wanna do if uu fighting ish slide w uu" she said nd i nodded
"im not fighting" i said nd she nodded
"who tf uu otp w" i heard dooda say in the baccground
"my" she said and he snatched the phone
"boa mfs been tryna get in contact w uu. they tb they gone sue uu for breaking her phone if uu dont fight" he said 
"breaking wha phone ? she broke her phone when she threw it" i said making a confused face nd him nd jess laughed. tf she talm bout 
"im not entertaining ts though. bitch got 2 braids in her head she couldnt afford more assum ?" i asked nd they laughed again
"we gone ttyl though, saety" dooda said then hung up. 

i called 3 bacc to c wtf he wanted

"hello" i said once he answered. nigga answered quick asab
"yeaa, wassuh how uu feelin" he asked 
"drowsy asf. i got work tonight though so hopefully i feel better by then. this the second day why tf i still feel like this" i said rubbing on draco as he came nd laid on my stomach. 
"it was yo first time drinking and UU did ALOT" he said 
"how come I never seen UU around" I asked since he knew the boys nd Jess ian Neva see him in the trap or nothing. 
"ion b around that much. them my boys we locked in but they not the people I be with onna daily. I normally only see them on special occasions like birthdays or if we run into eachother somewhere" he said and I nodded understanding 
"y Ian never c UU around" he asked 
"I used to be with them all the time until I got my own place. now I'm either at home or at work" I said shrugging. I got up to use the bathroom putting him on mute. when I finished I washed my hands and threw on some leggings and a sweater so I could take the babies outside to use the bathroom. 
"hello" he said over the phone nd i unmuted him 
"yeaa, hello" 
"bout to take my babies outside to use the bathroom. wydd"
"shi layin here bored asl. im gone c uu today ?" 
"uu saw me yesterday"
"wtf that gotta do with anything" 
"i  gotta get my life together today. im cooking nd i have to clean the house nd give my babies a bath. i got alot to do today" 
"i can help uu"
"ill think about it" I said then called draco and drama to me so I could put they leash on taking them outside 
"that means no. iah jus do a pop up on yo li ass"
"IAH yell out stranger danger quicker than a mf" 
"nah fr, UU don't wanna c me ?" he asked and I shrugged
"imma lyk" I said letting them walk around so they can use the bathroom. when they finished i used the scooper and got it up throwing it in the garbage then I let them run around playing a li while I talked to 3. 

we stayed out there for like 20-30 min before we came bacc in the house and I told 3 I was gone tt him later. I blasted music in the front before I started cleaning. I started with the downstairs first deep cleaning and moving around the front room. I need to get some more decorations. I sent my babies upstairs because I was sweeping nd mopping and I don't want them to walk around until I give them a bath. I moved on to the kitchen and cleaned out the fridge while taking something out to cook. I already set the pork chops and stuff out so when I was done w the fridge I wiped everything down and started prepping. I seasoned the food and started cooking and continued to cook as I cleaned. I checked on the food and ran upstairs to grab my dirty clothes hamper taking it downstairs to the washing room and put my clothes in the washing machine. I went bacc in the kitchen and started to sweep and mop when I heard somebody knocking on the door making draco and drama start barking like crazy running down the stairs. damn damn damn I jus mopped. I went to the door to see who it was nd it was 3 ass. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the door going to check on my food when my phone started ringing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2024 ⏰

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