Cyber Solider protection

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A//N: Izuku Cybernetics arms are also the same size as Jax on/in Mk (Mortal Kombat)

It's been a full year since Izuku became a Government official Cyber solider and so far he started saying Chisato as she was concerned due to her being older then Izuku as he didn't care about the age as such they started dating. Months after they started dating Izuku was tasked to protect a group of students at Ua as he didn't want to but he was soon persuaded by Chisato as she told him that she will be there for him and that her mom (Recovery girl) was there as he only nodded as  he didn't mind but only did it for her.

As they drove towards Ua Chisato spoke up.

Chisato: you do know there's a possibility that your former family is gonna be here right??

Izuku:*sighs* I know it's also gonna be the same possibility that I will kill them besides I'm only gonna have to protect those who never did me wrong not the ones who did.

Chisato: I know at least try to fight the urge to kill them when on sight.

Izuku: I won't make any promises but I'll try to fight it.

Chisato: ok honey

As they made it to Ua grounds Izuku has transformed into his suit as he looked at Chisato as they both nod and got out of the car and went into the school. As they got into the school they seen some of the students as it disgust Izuku due to see how many wanted to be a hero as he see that some were in it for money as he doesn't trust any of them. As they continued walking towards the office they heard a couple arguing. What they saw was 2 girls and a guy as Izuku knew who he clearly was as he saw red and white hair as he saw him with a black hair girl who was pissed at him due to seeing him with an unknown girl.

Black hair: I can't believe that you cheated on me with this hussy Shoto!!

Shoto: for one shut up bitch you can't even compare to her.

Random Girl: he's right there's nothing wrong in what he you is such a sore bitch.

Black hair: our engagement is off.

As that said it pissed Shoto off as he was about to slap her and soon came with it as it was caught by a random person.

Shoto: w-what the hell.

As he looked at the person who grabbed him as he sees a person that he doesn't know.

Izuku: I don't think it's wise for you to hit a women but then again you is just like your father child of Endeavor

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Izuku: I don't think it's wise for you to hit a women but then again you is just like your father child of Endeavor.

Shoto: h-how do you know that.

Izuku:(even though you're my childhood tormentor) I read in who you are and I got to say I'm not impressed with how you treat women.

Shoto: tch whatever it's not like I love this bitch anyways and I don't care if the engagement is off I don't want to marry a bitch who only eats just to have her quirk work anyways.

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