Class A

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After Izuku and Chisato made it to Ua and did what they had to do of course they met the creation user who was the only one besides from Nezu and Chisato who saw what he looked like from the mask and hood making her forget who Shoto was. Right everyone is in class as Aizawa came in as he smirked knowing that he got someone to give them hell just like him. After everyone sat down Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: now today we have a person who works for the government and that-


Aizawa: shut the fuck up when I speak it or do I need to have the person I'm about to call in here kill your ass.

Kyoka:*use jacks to Momo* is that even allowed??

Momo looked at jirou and shrugged as she looks back. Soon after Aizawa continued.

Aizawa: as I was saying before I was interrupted rudely what I was saying is that this person here was recommended by the government and he is here to help me with some of you punks. Now you can come in and scared them if you have to.

As he did he walked in as everyone were muttering on how he looked.

As he did he walked in as everyone were muttering on how he looked

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Katsuki:tch I bet he's weak.

Izuku: weak you say how about you fight me on the field loser does what the winner says but I'll do you a favor by saying this......

As he walked up to him as he got to his ear.

Izuku:*whispers* the Deku you know isn't dead yet and he's will come back for vengeance.

Izuku: now other then that I'm sure you all want to know who I am right...of course but right now we will care about that later on I was told by Nezu that you need a teacher who knows what he's doing when it comes to battle training right?

Kyoka: yeah we were told that All might had other plans to take care of at the time.

Izuku: very well then everyone go ahead and wear your hero outfit (literally hate saying that but have no choice)

Everyone: HAI!!!!

Izuku: you don't have to yell I can clearly hear you.

As everyone left as Momo went up to him as she hugs him as he pat her head.

Momo: don't worry no one knows that I've seen your face first hand.

Izuku: I believe you

Momo: by the way before I go can I ask you a few questions personally myself.

Izuku: sure what is it??

Momo: if your the Cybernetic solider what's your name for that?

Izuku: I never thought of it how about you come up with it.

Momo: wraith how's that??

Izuku: that's good I don't mind anything else you want to ask??

Momo: sorry if this one is a bit personal but you and RG daughter??

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