Bone fire

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Can I interest you in a milkwake beer, miss Cameron?

Oh no it's okay, I'm all good!

Why is it not up to your standard?

Oh god jj I thought, I stepped forward to pull him back but before I could topper emerged,
Yah yah I'll take it so kind of you to offer.

Oh no but you see, I didn't offer it to you!

Topper snatched it out jj hands, with a snide remark, dirty pogue.
John b emerged from the crowd, promptly shoved topper backward with the stern words of ,
" who do you think you are"
They began to wrestle as Kelce came forward to fight with jj

As the commotion between the four boys I had been shoved through the crowd and reemerged next to Sarah Cameron, the initial cause of this fight. I couldn't help scowl at her.
"Sarah, please do something about your boyfriend" I said sternly, a frown every present on my forehead.
Knowing full well John b and jj would not stop anytime soon, they would take any chance to fight against the kooks.
She sent a quick glare, but before she could reply, things were escalating.
Topper and John B had moved to the water. I felt the unease in my stomach rise, prompting my to move forward to stop this from heading down the direct it was. As i began to move forward, I was startled as two firm hands clamped down on my shoulders, causing a halt in my steps. Anger arose within my stomach and just as I was about to spin around to face my captor. I heard the ever so distinct voice of the king himself.
"And where do you think you're going little one? It wouldn't be towards those two would it " the patronisation dripping from each word, I could feel the smirk that was plastered across his stupid face.

This caused the anger in my stomach to erupt into a fire. As much as I wanted to turn around and give him a slap across face with stern words accompany.
Topper and John b had progressed into knee deep water. I refocused my mind back towards to fight and proceeded to attempt to get out from underneath Rafe's firm grasp.

However this movement caused a rafe to chuckle,
"I don't think so little one, this no longer concerns you"

"Oh for fuck sakes Rafe, get your hands off me!"
I fumed back to him. With attempt to move forward he had dispersed the space between his body and mine. My back with flush across his chest, which allowed him to swiftly reposition his arms to around my waist. With a crouch by him to diminish the height difference, I was pulled up off my feet as he tightened his hold against my waist.
Due to the fight escalating, no one paid much attention to us, much to my frustration. As he turned away, I no longer had any view of the fight or my friends. I opened my mouth to alert them, he must of sensed my thought and quickly clamped his hand over my mouth. I struggled against his grip, pushing my legs out at best I could. My arms gripping his arm in a attempt to pry it off my waist. The fire within me was intense but seemly pointless as in my all effort nothing was achieved.
"Aspen, stop struggling, you are not achieving anything besides being increasingly more annoying. I am doing  you and your dad a favour by taking you home."
With the hand clamped over my mouth the only response I could give was to struggle further in order to be a further annoyance. We had moved a solid way from the commotion to point if I yelled it was unlikely anyone would hear especially over the noise it was generating.
He sighed and stopped moving, leaning forward my feet touched the sand.
Oh thank fuck!  Maybe my struggles weren't not in vain and he was simply too annoyed to continue this quest of his.
However, I turned to face him to tell him where to shove it.
"Fuck you rafe, don't you ever touch me again. And you are not doing me a favour!" I fumed.
"Oh but I am, I know daddy dearest has been missing you and it would be oh so very impolite of me to not help him out and follow his clear instructions". He simply said with a smug look.
"You are such a little bitch, always following the orders of our dads. How about you grow up and stand on your own for once." I cursed towards, glaring up into his piercing blue eyes.
"You ungrateful child, you aspen, hanging around these dirty pogues. You are doing nothing but pissing off the wrong people and I cannot let that happen, little one." He replied, the smug look replaced by anger.
I had pushed his buttons.
"No fuck you" I said as I began to turn away, however as I turned he grabbed my utter arm, spinning to face his again while grabbing into my other arm when i turned.
Now face to face with him as he grilled my upper arms.
"Let me go, right now!!" I fumed, my blonde hair whipped across my face as my green eyes pierced his.
" you'll thank me one day." He huffed.
As he finished the last word he swiftly bent forward grabbing the backs of my legs and hoisted me over his shoulder. He remained a tight gripped across my legs as he walked towards his car. The crowd was getting smaller, however I could distinctively hear the sound of a gun shot.
"Rafe, we have to go back. We have the make sure they are okay."
"No Aspen, there is no fucken way I am going to let you go back there especially now with a gun being fired."
He had moved quickly, we were no longer on the beach, rather on the edge of the road.
He placed me down, my back firm against his dad's truck.
"Let me fucken go"
I pushed against his chest trying to make him move away from me, but his arms were firmly planted one on each side of my face, causing me to be trapped between the car and him.
"Are you going to make it easy and get in the car yourself, or are you going to be difficult like you always are?" He was clearly fed up with my antics.
"And what do you think Rafe. Now stop being an twat and let me make sure my friends are okay."
He simply grunted in reply, releasing his arms from my sides and stood up tall. I used this moment of freedom to make my escape, however as I pushed past him, he arm sprung out grapping my waist halting my escape. He held firm and picked my legs up while supporting my back, almost carrying me like a child.
Placing me into the passenger seat he reached across me to click my seat belt in. However as he did he turned, as eyes meeting his breathe fanned my face.
"It didn't have to be this difficult Aspen." He said with a smirk, clearly proud of efforts. He flicked childlock on as he closed my door before swiftly moving around the car to get into the driver side.

The drive to olive grove was excruciating. I hardly stay at my house anymore, my mum left three years ago in the middle of the night this left me and my dad. It caused a breakdown of sorts within my dad. A cruelness was becoming more prevalent. He had my life planned out before me. However, I refuse to live under his thumb like rafe does  with ward. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and even ward as he like a second dad but I cannot live this life they want.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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Are they really bad or we all just misunderstood - rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now