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Kimberly can I talk to you after breakfast? Meet me in my office when you are done, I tell her without I glance and make my way to my office. I have to set some rules for her. I still do t trust her, but there's something about her,she always looks soo broken like there something wrong with her and she looks way too skinny like someone who doesn't eat, her eyes look empty and dull. But why? I thought Tony is taking good care of her. When he mentioned his daughter I thought some rich spoilt brat, not this sad looking girl, or is it just a cover up. I can't trust her yet. A knock breaks me from my train of thoughts, come in i respond, Kimberly walks I slowly. Sit I command her. I have some rules i would like you to follow. Rule number 1. Do not bring any male to my house and if it's necessary I should be informed. I tell her trying to gauge her reaction but nothing, she just stares forward and nods her head.
Rule number two; You stay out of my way and I do same. Three, You are not allowed on the second floor unless you have been called, my office is one of the places you should stay clear. 4. You are to accompany me to any event I have to attend and take your place as my wife. 5. Do not leave this house without my permission or without informing anyone where you are going and you will have to take a body guard with you. Those are my rules, do you have any questions? I ask her. What do you do and why do you have soo many guards. I wasn't surprised she asked, but I'm curious to know, her dad is in the mafia so why doesn't she know anything I ask myself. I own a lot of hotels and restaurants in America and Italy I reply her. Anything else? Oh and this is your ring I pull open my drawer and bring out a ring I bought, she picks it up without a word and leaves my office.

There are lots of questions running through my head
If she's Tony's daughter why doesn't she know about what he does or is she pretending just so she can win my over. And why does she look the way she does. I need more information on her, I can't risk anything. I pick up my phone and dial Dante's number, Dante come to my office, what going on Ivan? I hope you didn't say anything to hurt Kim, whoah Dante what do you take me for I just set down some rules for her that's all. But there's something about her, I don't know what it is but I can't just put a finger on it. Have you seen the way she looks, the way she walks, she looks soo skinny and it's like she's limping, her eyes look dull, I don't know what's going on, why will Tony propose marriage when he's daughter doesn't know about what he does, this just doesn't make sense. Wait hold on, how do you know she doesn't know what he does? Dante asked me, well she asked what we do, initially I thought he sent her here to spy on us but now I don't know what to think anymore, there's something going and I need you to look into it, I know you, you can find what no one can, of course you know I'm the best in what I do he says and smirks. You cocky boy now get going I need to go to the office to do some paperwork then later the warehouse. Some of the shipments are missing and I know the Americans know something it. Okay I will be there as soon as I'm done. Leo get the car ready we are going to the office I tell my bodyguard and best friend. We reach the office in no time and start on the paperwork.

The couple of days have been really busy, I'm exhausted, I came home early to rest, i have to travel to Italy tomorrow, certain people are trying to mess with my shipments, I hear footsteps as I make my way to my room.What the hell are you doing here? My voice booms round the room with my eyes throwing dagger at the person who I asked not to step on this floor.I I am sorry I was just errrrm  I , She starter trying to come with with an excuse making me walk close to her and pulling her by her wrist. I saw her flinch and try to pull her hand out of grasp but I hold on tight not caring if I hurt her or not. I clearly gave her instructions and she disobeyed me. I  pull her out me out of the room and shuts it with a loud bang making her gasp in shock, please let go of me you are hurting me I hear her sob trying to get her hand out of he's grasp, I pull her all the way her  my room and throws her inside, I give her my coldest looks. My blazing eyes piercing into hers. What the hell were you thinking going to that floor, I warned you not to go there, have you forgotten the rules I set for you already? Who gave  you the right to tour my house huh ? Tell me who? I angrily yell at her making my voice boom round the room.
Sorry she sobs as She tries to apologise, I don't even know why I went along with this stupid idea of marrying someone like you, look at your self , you look like you will collapse any moment form now and look at how you are dressed like you were picked from the gutters don't you have any clothes to wear?addition, I don't want to even look at you right now, I say to her as I walk out of the room banging the door.

This girl is driving me crazy, what the hell? What was she doing in that room, no on that floor I specifically told her that place is off limits yet she disobeyed me. Is she really a spy? I need to let go of this anger or I might do something stupid, I pick up my suit jacket and head towards my car as I drive out of the driveway and into the dark night, holding the wheel tight I noticed my knuckles have turned white, I hit the accelerator as I drive above the speed limit not caring if there are officers around, I doubt anyone will be able to stop me since I own all of them..... I pack my car at the spot I've grown attached to, the only place I feel at peace and safe, since the night of the incident, I can't leave with myself knowing I live everyday happy while they are not here. I don't know how long in sat here but the vibration in my pocket has refused to stop, I take my phone out of my pocket and without looking at the caller ID I yell angrily into the phone, what do you want, Mark where are you? You didn't take Leo with you and I've been trying to reach you, I hear Dante's panicked voice, standing up quickly i dust myself of the debris on my suit, what going on Dante I ask him. Come to St Luke Hospital and with that the line went off.

To those supporting me "I love you ❤️"
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