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I'm still wondering why no one has ask about how I got the bruises on my body, since I woke up yesterday Ivan has not come to see me, not that I want him to do so, I mean he's my husband and even if he doesn't want me as a wife it will take nothing from him to just come and see my face, well I can't be bothered by it anymore, the doctor said I can go home since my body used two weeks to heal, I'm not completely healed but I feel better than I didn't two weeks ago. Knock knock I hear a knock on the door, come in I tell whoever, Good morning Kim, how are you doing? Good morning Dante I'm very well thank you, so I just came from the doctors office, you will be discharged later this afternoon, I brought you some clothes and food, I need to rush out somewhere but I will be back to pick you up, hope that's okay, yeah it's fine I tell him and he nods at me, see you later then bye.

I look through my things and noticed he has added a book to my things, I smile and pick up one of my favourite books, After 2, I like the characters soo much, their relationship was a bit toxic but I really hope they end up together, I walk into the bathroom to shower and change out of this hospital gown, I finish doing my business and come out of the bathroom, I quickly dry myself and put on the dress Dante brought to me, it's a big t-shirt and sweatpants, and get comfortable on the bed, a knock on the door is heard and I respond. Good morning Kimberly, how are you feeling this morning, good morning Doctor, I feeling much better thank you, as you already know you will be discharged this afternoon but there are some things I want to discuss with you if you are okay, yeah sure doctor go ahead I'm all ears, okay, after you were brought in you went through surgery, you body completely shut down and so were your lungs but we managed to revive you on time, and we also noticed that you've been eerm molested countless times, would you like to tell us who it is? No doctor I can't, why can't you? the doctor asked, he will find me and kill me if I tell anyone, now the tears that I've kept from so long starts to fall and I use the back of my and to wipe it away, okay okay calm down I want push you to tell me, but I need to ask you another question, is that why you keep harming your self? Yeah I respond and shake my head at the same time, okay I understand, I hear the doctor say. If you would like Kimberly I can book you a session with one of our best therapist. No I don't need a therapist, the idea of talking to a complete stranger about the things going on in my life is doesn't sound appealing to me, Kimberly are you there I see the doctor wave his hand in my face, yeah Doctor sorry I zoned out a bit, I don't need a therapist I'm fine. Okay if you say so , but know that my doors are always opened for you if you need someone to talk to. Thank you doctor I say, okay then I will make your discharged papers ready, he stands up to leave, bye Kimberly, bye doctor and he walks out the door leaving me here with my thoughts.

No one believed me when I told them what Tony has been doing to me, what makes me think anyone will believe me now, and a therapist is a no I can't tell a stranger the things going on in my life, I don't need anyone to be in my affairs, and how do I even start telling the therapist, I really can't i don't even want to think about it. I pick up the book Dante brought me and I start reading. I hear my name being called which makes me wake up,'oh hi Dante, hello Kim, when I came you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up, I've signed the discharge papers so we can go now, I've packed everything of yours, thank you Dante, sure no problem Kim, with these words he helps me climb down from the bed and I take along the book I was reading then he helped me as I wore my shoes. He carries my bag and I walk behind him, there's a car parked outside, he tells me, okay I replied, we walk side by side as we get out of the hospital, hmmmmm I miss the smell of the fresh air, I inhale a bit more and the guard standing by the car goes to open the door, I'm shocked to see Ivan sitting at the back pressing his phone, are you going to stand there or you are getting in, and here comes the devil himself, I roll my eyes and get him, Dante sits at the front which leaves me with the devil himself, How are you feeling Kimberly, I'm okay I respond to Ivan, that's good I hear him say. We sit in the car for what seems like hours but in all honesty it's been only 20mins, looks like time is not going fast enough, I just can't stand being in the same space with Ivan, finally the car pulls up to the front of the familiar mansion I now call home, Ivan goes out first and then opens my door for me which surprises me he then he held my hands to help me walk, I can walk Ivan I tell him but he doesn't let go of my hand, we walk hand in hand into the house but he doesn't let go of my hand, we walk to the living room and he ask me to sit, I sit and he sits besides me, why is he being nice to me all of a sudden, it's not like he came to visit me when I was in the hospital so what's all this he's doing. Is there something you would like to eat? I hear Ivan ask me, eeeerm I'm not hungry, thank you, okay I will go bring you some fruits, he doesn't wait for me to respond and he goes to the kitchen to bring the fruits,Kim your bag is upstairs, thank you Dante,I smile at him and he winks back at me which makes me blush, but I cover it with my hair earning a laughter out of him. Where's Leo? I ask Dante, oh he's running some errands for Ivan he will be here soon, oh okay, I'm heading out now Ivan will take care of you, he winks at me and makes his way to the door, Ivan comes later and hands me a bowl full of fruits, I'm shocked how everything in the bowl looks good , he hands me a spoon and ask me to try them, I see mango, avocado, apple,'pineapple, strawberry oh nice, did you do this yourself? I ask him, yeah he replied, thank you I tell him, what will you like to watch? He asks me, anything I reply, okay then he goes to Netflix and puts it on "To all the boys I've ever loved" I watch the movie while eating my fruits.

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