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The closet is too big for my clothes so I will just use one side, packing my things didn't take time since I have few clothes, I take my headphone from my bag and begin to  listen to some  music and pick my note pad to write something down. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep when I heard a knock of the door, I get up to open it to notice it's Dante. Dante hi what are you doing here? Oh it's time for dinner and since you didn't come down for lunch I wanted to come get you myself,are you doing okay? Yeah yeah I'm fine I was just listening to music and fell asleep,oh okay then let's go, you don't seem to like talking do you? No I don't like talking,okay that's fine but I'm here if you need help with anything. I'm not sure you've met my brother yet have you? No I haven't. Okay then you will meet him at dinner he can be a jerk sometimes but he's cool don't let anything he says get to you okay, sure I won't, good.When we got to the dinning room I noticed two guys sitting
One had blonde hair with sharp jawline and very beautiful emerald eyes , he looks cold but smiles at me anyway. Hello I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo he introduces himself, I looked to my right to see the most beautiful man  I've ever seen. He is the epitome of tall even though he's seated, he's dark hair is neatly brushed to the side and he jawline is soo sharp that you fear it might cut you and he's presence exudes so much power .... I didn't have time to look at he's eyes when I heard someone clear their throat, Kimberly meet Ivan my brother.......I guess that's my husband then I muter quietly to my self , Ivan didn't even glance my way or acknowledge me in any way he just continued to work or do what ever it is on he's laptop, thats good for me
Since he didn't acknowledge me I can leave but I have to be careful there are lots of guards here, who are these people and why do they have a lot of guards.

The maids starts bringing the food and everyone digs in immediately, I drop my gaze and look at the table
What are you waiting for Kimberly eat your food I hear Dante say...I I'm not hungry I will eat later , I stand up to leave my seat when I heard he's voice sit down and eat. Who does he think he is to shout at me I think to myself. Please don't shout at me being scared I use my hands to cover my ears so I don't hear anything but it doesn't stop the noise in my head and the tears  from falling, I quickly run out of the room not knowing the direction I'm going, wait Kimberly wait don't go I hear someone call my name but I'm too tired to turn back I continue running till I'm out of breath and that's when I see Dante coming over. Kim are you okay? Why are you crying? I'm sorry my brother shouted at you I promise he's not that bad please forgive him. Will you punish me from running away? He looks taken back by what I said but says no nothing less ,okay I replied. Let's get in it's getting late are you sure you don't want to eat anything? You look soo skinny are you alright? Yeah I'm fine I tell him but he doesn't believe me. When we got to the kitchen he asked the maids to prepare spaghetti for me and that they should bring it when they are done and he led me to my room. Kim I know you don't know us or trust us since you've been here for a few hours but we don't bite unless off course we have to and don't take anything my brother says to heart like I said earlier he's a jerk some times but when you get to know him he's a sweet teddy bear . Hahaha no I'm not kidding. You look cute when you smile you, should smile often. Dante kept me company till the food came and he left saying he has some business to take care off. After eating I take the plates to the kitchen and then I took my bath and when I was done I laid in bed and thought about how my life has changed in a matter of seconds. Just yesterday I was with Tony and he abused and raped me

Now I'm married to a man I know nothing about and he doesn't even acknowledge me but I've become a little bit close to he's brother. Dante is not bad actually he's really nice even though he has that killer look on he's face. Come to think of it all three of them have it. If Ivan didn't want me why did he get married to me. All along I thought I was getting married to some old man but I was wrong. I toss and turn on the bed not finding the correct position to sleep, looking at my night stand I see it's 1 am and I'm still awake, I'm scared when I sleep my night mares will come again. Feeling frustrated I get up and go to the kitchen, reaching the kitchen I start hearing voices and I know they belong to Dante but he's not alone I peep and see he is talking to Ivan and Leo and I don't understand a single thing they are saying since the are talking in Italian, so I'm guessing they are Italians but why will an Italian man want to marry me? What deal does he have with Tony? I try to walk back as quietly as I can but then Dante calls my name making me freeze, Kim are you okay? Do you need anything ? I stater as I tell him I came to get a glass of water since I couldn't sleep, oh yeah let me pour you some, he pick a glass cup from the cupboard and pours me a glass of water, I gulped it and turned to leave for my room. If you can't sleep we could all watch a movie what do you think Leo asks me, that will me fine I mutter to him, okay then movie night it is or morning or well what ever you would like to call it. I have something's to take care of Ivan says and walks out of the room leaving Leo ,Dante and I ,we all go to the hall to watch a movie. What movie will you like to watch ? The originals I say, okay then that's what we are watching Dante selects the movie and we all make ourselves comfortable to watch.

Another long chapter, I hope you enjoyed it
I love you all❤️

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