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_Hades' POV_

I tucked her in as she drifted off to sleep. She slept so soundly, without a care in the world. That was one of the things she could do that I couldn't. One of the things she had that I wanted, one of the things she did that I envied. The candle burnt out slowly, illuminating her face in the darkness. Her veins always glowed when she was most relaxed, and tonight was no exception. "She's such a baby," I chuckled inwardly before leaving her room.

"She truly loves you... just like in my fairytales." Those words repeated in my head like a broken record. Persephone... she loves me, she really does love me. I can't say I blame her; I am incredibly dashing, after all. She really loves me; I can't believe it. Thank you, little sister. I can't wait to see her. Oh, flowers, I need flowers!


"You called?" Goodness, I almost shrieked; she just appeared out of nowhere.

"Were you following me?" I inquired.

"Of course not. I was just checking on Heliē, but she was sleeping, so I wanted to meet with that brat Athena because she 'summoned me'—what a snob—but then I thought to myself that I hadn't gotten my dress for tomorrow morning yet and that would take a lot of time and... it was just a coincidence, or what humans would call 'good timing,' I hope..." Aphrodite smiled nervously. "Anyway... what do you need?"



"Yes, flowers, for Persephone."

"Aww, that's so sweet," she squealed.

"Yes, yes, but no one can know about this. It'll ruin my reputation as an evil, soul-sucking, dream-crushing demon," I uttered, which made her cringe a little.

"Okay? Weird... Meet me at the gates in 20 minutes; I know the perfect flowers," she squealed excitedly and sprinted off to who knows where before I could speak. 'What a strange lady,' I sighed with a smile before leaving for the gates.

I felt so anxious to go home; I've never felt that way for anyone. Not even that one time when Heliē found out about the library incident. That was scary. I can't believe I'm acting this way over Persephone; she hates me. This is probably Heliē's cue to say, "No, she doesn't, you dummy," while hitting me hard on the head. I can't wait to see what Aphrodite went to bring.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I heard from the end of the hall, destroying my train of thought. 'Zeus? No, he's still at the party,' or so I thought, but what I heard next proved me wrong and shattered me completely.

"Yes, Heliē is such a beauty."

"And she'll be all yours just like we agreed on."

What?! I thought Zeus was stupid; I didn't think he was crazy too. And of all the gods on Mount Olympus, he chose that perverted, fat bimbo, Alexander. Never gonna happen.

"Zeus!..." I exclaimed as I walked up to them. "I want to talk to you, now."

"That is no way to talk to the god of ALL gods," Alexander butted in.

"LEAVE," I said with the little bit of tranquility I had left. He slowly bowed and retreated. He doesn't want to get on my bad side; no one does.

"Hades, what is your problem?" Zeus scoffed.

"My problem? My problem is that you want to give my sister to some deranged human."

"He's not deranged, he's ambitious..." This guy can't be for real right now. "He rules over many lands; Heliē will live a good life, and I will have more power."

Is he serious? "You want to sell your sister for power that you already have? That's just pathetic, even for you..." I pinched the bridge between my eyebrows and sighed heavily. "Forcing Heliē to come to this ball wasn't a punishment; it was so you could market her off, right?" Not like I needed his stupid excuses; I didn't even need the truth because I already knew the answer. My selfish brother is finally using my sister as his trump card; it would have happened sooner or later, but I never expected it to be like this. "Whatever plans you have with Alexander or even any other 'suitor' you may seem to find, better not go through with it."

"You don't tell me what to do; no one tells me what to do," he exclaimed. "If you don't do as I say, there will be dire consequences."

"You can't do this to me, remember? I saved you, ME!" He yelled while pulling on my jacket. "If not for the fact that you had been hiding under mother's skirt, you would have been nothing. If not for her, you would have also been eaten. Who would have saved you then? Mother? You?..." I laughed.

"You're pathetic, don't get ahead of yourself. This conversation should never reach Heliē; we wouldn't want her hating you more than usual," I frowned before walking towards the gates. "Let's not forget the last time I didn't get my way," I added before leaving.

I was livid, but my anger slowly faded when I saw Aphrodite. She seemed like she was lost in thought but smiled excitedly once she saw me and was holding onto one of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.

"They're very rare night bloomers; Heliē and I grow them at the back. Persephone's gonna love it," she assured.

"Thank you, Aphrodite."

"You're very welcome," she beamed. Heliē was right; Aphrodite is the kindest goddess you'll ever meet.


_Aphrodite's POV_

A few minutes earlier...

Gosh, this party is amazing... is what I would say if I actually liked it. I mean, it was so loud; whoever chose the music has terrible taste, and I don't even like most of the people present. I can't believe I talked Heliē into coming here, and if I leave now, I'll look like a hypocrite. Ugh... living in this place is so hard; I think I'll take Heliē up on that escaping offer. 'At least they serve nice wine,' I smiled as I took one from a waiter.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he smiled and bowed before leaving. I took a sip but spat it back into the cup immediately. 'Yuck... I take it back; this is disgusting.' Sigh... I hate it here. I need to find Heliē; I'm sure she's dying of boredom, the poor thing. She's probably with her brothers; I'll go meet her.

I was about to walk towards the highly placed throne Zeus was sitting on—what a narcissist—until I saw a lady dressed in red with shoulders raised and her chin about to hit the sky. Oh no... Athena. Please don't come this way, Please don't come this way, Please don't-


"Athena, lovely meeting you here."

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you," she sneered.

"Ha! Funny," I smiled, sarcasm clear in my words. "I need you in my room at once."

"I'm sorry, what?" I don't think I heard this witch clearly.

"I need you in my room immediately; what did you not understand?"

"Oh Athena... you see I'm a little busy at the moment."

"With what?"

"I'm busy with a lot of things, like Heliē. I need to look for her."

"So only Heliē is allowed to order you around?"

"Heliē doesn't order me around; that's why I'll forever be a loyal friend to her."

"Friend? She's not your friend; she's merely using you."

"I'd rather be used by her than be used by you."

"Aphrodite, you little-" she was cut off by all the eyes practically glaring at her. I wonder how long she can keep her "protector of the world" facade. "When I summon you, you come to me. Or have you forgotten who I am?"

"Of course not, I would never. I'll be in your room immediately." I smiled brightly.

"That's more like it."

"Hmmm... would you like some wine?" I smiled and handed her my glass. She took it from my hand without hesitation and took a sip. I grinned, and she grinned back; she's so clueless.

"Don't be late," she ordered.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I bowed, and she left. Ugh... unbelievable.

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