Nemo dat quod non habet

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**_Heliē's POV_**

Here I am, surrounded by two overprotective brothers, tons of guards, a disappointed bodyguard, and the most self-centered b***h on this planet... Athena.

"This is the last straw, Heliē!" Zeus yelled. He's so loud. "Hello to you too, big brother," I beamed. I was out of Mount Olympus on my own for one whole hour. I'm more than happy, and he's not taking that away from me. "You left Mount Olympus, why would you do that?!"

"Because Mount Olympus is boring, okay? There's nothing fun here. All I do is watch you guys throw lavish parties and drink loads of alcohol that I don't even like. I mean, c'mon, it's so unfair," I snapped.

"We're not saying you can't go out, but at least go with security." Of course, Poseidon just had to intervene. "Security? I'm the goddess Heliē for god's sake."

"No one's denying that they just want your safety."

"For heaven's sake, Athena, you speak when you're spoken to." Piece of...

"I was only—."

"Be quiet, Athena." Finally, words coming out of Zeus's mouth that I actually enjoy hearing. "How far did you go?" That was Andreas, the best guard in the army, the only human bold enough to work for my brothers, my personal bodyguard, and the one person present that I actually enjoy talking to.

"I got to the shores on the far side of the village," I beamed.

"Really?" He smiled with widened eyes, but he went from proud to 'smh' the second Zeus and Poseidon gave him a death stare. Can't say I blame him.

"Look, I don't get what the big deal is," I sighed. "The big deal is that you defied my orders and left against my wishes..." Oh no, Zeus isn't having it. "Therefore, your punishment." Ugh, not this again...

"I'm hosting a gala in a few days." He smiled. "And? What, you want me to serve your guests?" I scoffed.

"No, that would be too easy for you. Gods fear you because you're my sister, so they wouldn't dare order you around. And even without being my sister, you still wouldn't take offense in serving people because you're too kind and hopelessly naive..." He did not just say that. "So instead, you'll be attending the party as a guest, and you'll be here at all times. No leaving halfway through."

"You can't be serious," I snapped. "It's either that or I cause havoc on your bodyguard's family." I knew he'd do this. I can already see the fear in Andreas' eyes. "Fine, I'll go." I sighed. "Athena will bring dresses to your room." He smiled. "I'm not her servant!" She cried. "It's not like I would want your filthy hands on my dresses either. Please let Aphrodite bring them to me."

"Even Aphrodite isn't free from your clutches," Athena grumbled. "See, that's the thing, freedom. 'Nemo dat quod non habet' — you can't give what you don't have." I frowned. "When did you learn Latin?" Poseidon inquired. What a busybody. "Yesterday... Goodbye." I bowed and left. Sigh... I need a break.


"Heliē!!!" Aphrodite whined. "You can't keep doing this. Zeus said no one should be leaving Mount Olympus, especially you."

"So? He's not my father."

"But he's your eldest brother and the god of all gods," Aphrodite cried, emphasizing the second title. "Sigh... I know, but it's not fair."

"I know, sweetheart, but there's nothing you can do about it."


"If running away continuously is what you plan on doing, just forget it because it's never going to work."

"I hate it when you're right." Sigh... But she IS right, though. god of all gods and god of the sea, the only way to truly be free is if I'm dead... which is not really a bad idea. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh, no reason in particular."

"You better not be scheming anything crazy."

"When have I ever done anything like that... don't answer that."

"Gladly," she grinned. "Why can't I be the god of everything? It would have been so much easier."

"Yes, but don't you think you would have a lot of responsibilities?"

"Does Zeus look like he has a lot of responsibilities?"

"Not really," she laughed. Aphrodite is one of the few good things I adore in this place, always making life happier for me and everyone else around her. I hope she finally thinks about escaping this place. Just like me, she's fallen under Zeus's oppressive control, but the only difference is that I'm getting out. One way or the other.

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