A happy ending...

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Heliē sighed, gently turning the pages of her newfound favorite book, "A Happy Ending..." A soft smile graced her lips. Suddenly, a disruptive "PSST...." shattered the tranquility of her Moonlit garden. Heliē jumped, the source originating from the bushes by the lake. "Psst... over here," a mysterious whisper beckoned, drawing her cautiously towards it. She formed spears of light with her glowing hands, ready for any surprise. "Hey!" Hercules exclaimed, startling Heliē. "Hercules?! What is wrong with you?" she hissed. "Please lower your voice," Hercules pleaded. "You want my voice lower than this?!" Heliē scoffed. "Shhhh, please don't be mad. I'm here to apologize," Hercules declared. "If my brothers see you, they'll kill you," Heliē warned. "But you won't... right?"
"I'm rethinking my options," she frowned. "C'mon Heliē, don't be like that. Look, I brought your brother's dog," he smiled. "CERBERUS?" Heliē inquired excitedly until he revealed a puppy-sized three-headed dog. Her jaw dropped. "What did you do to it?" She gasped. "I'm afraid I can't tell you," he declared. "Why?" "Because you'll kill me, and then you'll tell your brother. Then he'll kill me. I'll be dead twice."
"Trust me, when he sees this, you're definitely dead," she declared. "It's reversible, don't worry," he assured. "Okay?... But I thought he was dead." "Well..." Hercules scratched his nape anxiously before whispering shocking revelations into her ears, leaving her eyes widened like saucers. "You did what?!"
"Shhhh... please don't tell him."
"Hercules!!!" She cried. "Please," he begged. "Fine...I won't..." she sighed, finally giving in. "But you've got some nerve showing up here, uninvited," she stated. "You have to admit it, you love it."
"No, I don't."
"Mmmmm..." He hummed. "I only admire it."

"Same thing."
"You're unbelievable," she chuckled. "Are you attending the gala your brothers are hosting?"
"Not like I have a choice."
"Let me guess, your punishment?"
"Yes," she sighed. "Thought so," he smiled. "What about you? Are you going?"
"Hades would kill me."
"Fair," Heliē laughed. "But I'll be here under the oak tree...maybe I'll see you?" He questioned, a hint of plea in his words. "Maybe if Poseidon doesn't watch me like a hawk. He literally appears out of nowhere." "True..." Hercules chuckled. "Look Heliē... I've been meaning to ask-" "Heliē!" Aphrodite called out from the flower-filled balcony. "Come quick." "I better get going... bye Hercules." "Bye," he sighed as he watched her run off with Cerberus towards Aphrodite.


"Do I really need to go?" Heliē cried. "Do you want Andreas' family to suffer under your brother's wrath?" Aphrodite questioned. "No..." She sighed. "Good goddess," she smiled. "Ugh..." Heliē scoffed and looked out the window. The guests had already started flooding Mount Olympus, gods and goddesses alike. Heck, even some powerful humans were in attendance. "This is going to be the worst night of my life," Heliē declared. "Don't be like that; who knows you might enjoy it?" Aphrodite beamed. "My brothers have been throwing parties for as long as I remember. Trust me, I won't be enjoying anything," she declared. "At least you look stunning, thanks to yours truly," Aphrodite remarked, patting herself on the back. Heliē quickly glanced at her mirror. Aphrodite was right; she did a wonderful job. Heliē's hair was elegantly tied with the very stars in the night sky, giving more light to the goddess of light herself. Her golden dress fit her tanned skin and brown hair perfectly as it flowed onto the carpet. She placed her hands on her face as if shocked by her appearance. "Don't ruin your makeup cause I won't redo it... it's not like you really need it, you're already beautiful," she smiled. "Awww Aphrodite... that's really sweet," she cried and hugged her. "Okay okay, enough touchy stuff. I need to get ready, and you have a gala to host," she uttered, destroying Heliē's mood completely. "Did you have to remind me?" "Yes, I did; I can't let my hard work go unnoticed..." she smiled and led her out of the room. "You'll do great," she chuckled before closing the room doors. "Of course I will," Heliē sighed and walked slowly towards the ballroom, like a sheep on its way to the slaughter.


"HELIĒ! GODDESS OF THE SUN!!!" Theo announced, and people's heads turned almost immediately. "Thank you, Theo," Heliē sighed. "You're very welcome," he beamed. "I was being sarcastic..." she murmured, and his smile only deepened. "Unbelievable," she chuckled before looking at the crowd. Her breathing hitched, and her palms got sweaty. 'C'mon Heliē, for heaven's sake, you're the sun, people stare at you all the time,' she said inwardly, trying to give herself some comfort (it wasn't working). Having her at these events was a very rare occasion, but when she did show up, it was always a sight to behold. Some could even agree that they only came to Zeus' galas and Balls just for the chance to get a glimpse of her. And no one could deny the fact that she was the best at being fashionably late and fleeing rather early... kind of like Cinderella. She walked towards her eldest brother Zeus, who was sitting, high and mighty, at the end of the ballroom with Poseidon and Andreas by his side, of course. She sighed and bowed. "Χαίρε, ω Ζεῦ παντοκράτορ (Hail, Zeus Almighty)," she greeted, and his grin deepened. "So nice of you to join us," Heliē heard. She frowned and clenched her dress. 'Zeus, you mock me,' she said inwardly before slowly rising with a bright smile. "The pleasure is all mine."

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