How Strange

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**_Author's POV_**

In the vibrant streets of the bustling market, a symphony of scents filled the air - hints of meat, steel, gold, and weapons wafted through the crowded atmosphere. Every turn Icarus made echoed with greetings: "Hello Icarus," "Morning Icarus," "How's your father Icarus?" Yes, Icarus, the son of Daedalus, a revered architect and craftsman. Beyond his lineage, he was a cherished gem in the village. His red hair glowed like embers from a distant fire, brown eyes held the wisdom of ancient forests, and tan skin radiated the warmth of the sun's eternal embrace. Whispers among the villagers likened him to a mortal reflection of the gods, unaware that his presence was about to weave a tale of destiny and enchantment echoing through the ages.

"Icarus!..." a girl called out, brown hair gently moving with the wind, and a smile as clear as day. "I got this for you, for helping my mom remake her pots... again," she said shyly, blushing inwardly as she handed him a small, black music box with golden carvings. "Thank you; I really appreciate it," he smiled. "I was wondering if you could come and have dinner with us today."
"Oh, I'm sorry; I'm supposed to help my father all through the day today. Maybe next time, okay? Thanks again for the music box," he uttered before bowing slightly and departing.


"Don't tell me you rejected her again?" Christopher grumbled, searching for nails in Daedalus' crowded workshop. "I didn't reject her. I simply said no," Icarus clarified, dusting his father's eccentric inventions.
"It's the same thing, Icarus."
"No... it's not."
"I honestly don't see why you don't like her; she's cute, sensible, and loves to give treats."
"If you like her, then why don't you court her?"
"Because sadly it's not me she wants. Why can't you accept her?"
"She's just... not my type," he shrugged before coughing and sneezing on dust. "Then what is your type?" He frowned. "Someone adventurous, willing to take risks... someone out of the ordinary."
"And Eleni is none of that?"
"No, she isn't, at least not to me." "How can you be so sure? You don't know her."
"We've been attending the same school for 18 years now; I think I know her a lot more than you do," he chuckled. "You're unbelievable," Christopher sighed. "Look..." Icarus began, holding onto Christopher's shoulder. "I don't like her, and it wouldn't be right if I gave her false hope, would it?"
"No..." Christopher sighed. "Exactly. I know what I want; Eleni isn't it. And I will not toy with her emotions," Icarus declared. "You're unbelievable."
"Just shut up and clean," Icarus chuckled. "Icarus!..." Daedalus, a man in his late 50s with strands of white in his hair and years of wisdom in his every glance. Although not as young as he used to be, he was still strong and showed grace in his physique. "Patera," Icarus smiled as he rose to hug him.

**NB: Patera means father in Greek**

"I trust that you are handling things well in my absence," Daedalus smiled. "Yes... maybe... I don't know," Icarus sighed. "Don't overthink it; you're doing great," he smiled, giving him words of encouragement. "Thank you, Patera." "I'm here too, thanks for asking. And I helped too just in case you were wondering," Christopher frowned. "Yes, Christopher, my favorite nephew," Daedalus smiled. "You mean your only nephew," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't have assigned you to helping Icarus if I didn't trust you," he declared. "That... that really means a lot," Christopher smiled. "Of course, it does..." He chuckled. "Who wants Baklava." "Uhh me, I'm starving," Christopher cried. They chuckled and went to eat.

**NB: Baklava is a traditional pastry known for its sweet, rich flavor and flaky texture. It consists of phyllo (or filo) dough, nuts, spices, and a sugary syrup.**


"Have you ever looked up at the sky and just enjoyed the feeling it brings?" Icarus smiled with his Baklava still in his hand, untouched. "No?..." Christopher stated. "Well, you should... you really should," Icarus smiled. "You're strange... very strange," Christopher sighed and shook his head before skillfully taking Icarus' treat. "That's mine!..." Icarus protested. "Too slow," Christopher smirked before stuffing it in his mouth and sprinting out of Icarus' sight. Icarus laughed at his cousin's childishness and continued to admire the sky. "Beautiful," he smiled. ... Meanwhile Heliē blushed slightly at his love-filled gaze. "Icarus..." Her lips echoed almost subconsciously. "How strange," she smiled.

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