Chapter 1: Evan Ages 10-11

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Trigger Warnings: Brief Adolescent Suicidal Ideations, Child Neglect and Abuse

Some points of reference for age for some of the characters:

Buck's birthday is February 16th, 1992.
Eddie's birthday September 6th, 1990.
Robert Jr's birthday is April 2003.
Brook's birthday is October 2005.
Christopher's birthday is June 2010.


August-December 2002, Evan Age: 10

Evan loves his sister. Maddie is the one person in the world who he can talk to about absolutely anything and she doesn't look at him like he's just her annoying little brother with weird interest. She picks him up from school in her Jeep and they'll go and get ice cream before dinner or go to a movie before they have to be home. She's the only reason that he's ever even been to Hersheypark, even though their house is only a few miles away from the amusement park. Their parents don't like fun, they never take Evan anywhere cool or interesting, not even the carnivals that set up in the church parking lots in June and July. But Maddie does, because she's the best big sister ever.

There was a Sunday one summer when Evan was 10, Maddie burst into his room at 8 in the morning.

"Up, up, up! Come on, Evan!" She pulled off his blanket and tugged on his leg. Evan just groaned and buried his face in his pillow. "Come on! I have big plans today!"

"Can't they wait until later?"

"No, they can't. Now get up and get dressed, meet me outside in 15 minutes."

Evan grumbled but rolled out of bed and changed into a pair of shorts and a light shirt and made his way downstairs, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter before running out to Maddie's Jeep.

He hopped in and slammed the door closed, taking a bite of his apple as he turned to his sister. "What are we doing?"

"Well, first we're going to the diner for some breakfast and then we're going to spend the morning and afternoon at Hersheypark!" Maddie grinned at the wide-eyed expression on Evan's face.


"Yup! Just you and me, all day!"

They stopped at their favorite diner and ordered chocolate chip waffles with extra whipped cream, something their parents never let Evan have. They share a side of home fries and bacon while Maddie sips her coffee and Evan drinks 3 glasses of chocolate milk. When they're finished, they head off to the amusement park and are some of the first ones in line.

They hit all their favorite rides, getting on Comet 3 times, and do 2 rounds of the water rides when they get too hot. Maddie gets them corn dogs and fries for lunch, later caves and gets Evan a large soft pretzel and some cotton candy too. It's almost 5 when they're heading to the gate to leave, laughing and smiling so wide their cheeks hurt.

"So, it wasn't so bad getting up at 8 during your summer break?"

Evan giggles, climbing into the Jeep. "Not so bad I guess."

Maddie shoves his arm, smiling. "Oh, you guess, huh? Well, see if I ever bring you to Hersheypark again."

"Hey, come on! You had fun too!" Evan laughs

"Yeah, yeah." Maddie says, smiling as she backs out of her parking spot.

On the short drive back to their house, they replay their favor moments of the day.

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