Chapter 3: Buck & Eddie Ages 22-29

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Trigger Warnings: Discussed Suicidal Ideations - Warning: Character Death

Some points of reference for age for some of the characters:

Buck's birthday is February 16th, 1992.
Eddie's birthday September 6th, 1990.
Robert Jr's birthday is April 2003.
Brook's birthday is October 2005.
Christopher's birthday is June 2010.


December 2014, Buck Age: 22

He should have stayed in Florida; it was warm in Florida. And he knew better than to travel the week of Christmas, but he hadn't been home for the holiday in too long and Brook had begged him to come home.

"Buck!" She'd whined over the phone. "I'm in the church pageant this year! I'm the angel."

"Isn't being my angel enough?" He'd tried to tease, but no luck.

His sister was ruthless.

So here he was, at the airport on December 22nd at 1 o'clock in the morning trying to get out to the line of waiting taxis. His flight out of Miami was delayed by 2 hours, then his layover in Cincinnati was 3 hours delayed; he had called Bobby and Marcy and told them not to worry about picking him up since he didn't know when he'd get to Minneapolis. It would be well past the kids' bedtime and he knew there would be no way that just Bobby would be there to pick him up; it was always a family affair no matter what time Buck arrived. It took another 30 minutes to finally get a taxi and then he was on his way to St. Paul and home.

It was only going to be 20 minutes or so before he arrived at the apartment building, but Buck was so exhausted, he leaned his head against the window and let his eyes slip closed.

"Oh. Um, sir?" The taxi driver spoke, sounding nervous. "Sorry, but sir?"

"Hm?" Buck sat up, opening his eyes, frowning at the bright flashing red lights surrounding them. "What the-"

"Would you like me to take you to a hotel, sir? I'll stop the meter now, no additional charge. We can leave your name with someone maybe? They can let you know when it's safe to reenter the building?"

"What? N-no, this... this is... my family they-they live here. I..." Buck's hand was on the door handle, and he was climbing out before he had another moment to think.

He skirted around the cab, running past groups of people huddled together, the building before him consumed by flames. Buck rushed forward, moving against the residence trying to get away from the burning building.

"Sir!" Someone called out to him, but he pressed forward. "Sir!" A hand grabbed his arm pulling him back.

Buck looked at the firefighter with wide, frantic eyes. "No, I have to get in there! My family might still be in there!"

"Sir! You can not go into the building! We are doing our best to evacuate everyone-"

"The fire is on their floor!" Buck threw his arm out, pointing to where the fire appeared the strongest. "Let me go!"

"I can't do that! You need to let us do our job sir! We have enough people to worry about, we don't need to add more! Get back behind the line!"

Buck shoved at the firefighter's chest. "Back off!"

"Chief!" The firefighter calls into his radio, grabbing onto Buck's jacket, pulling him back. "We have a civilian trying to get in, says his family is on floor where the fire is centered."

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