44 - A Change in Viewpoint (1) - (1.73k words-approx 7min read)

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╔═══ Author's note ════╗

I think this is the right time to show you a snippet of the first meeting between Muir and Yaya, but not from Yaya's viewpoint but from Muir's.

I left it out intentionally. 🤭


Somewhere in the past...

Muir's POV - Part 1/2

"Something seems wrong," I said to myself as I flew above the Racoon's village, looking around for survivors.

There were dead raccoon beastmen everywhere. But it wasn't this that shook me to the core ─ it was the scorpions, dozens of them, dead all around the place.

Did someone from the rescue team arrive ahead of me? How could that be possible? Did the villagers defeat them?

"It's someone from the eagle clan!" A villager from the ground pointed in my direction, "Please. Help us! We've been attacked!"

The screams of villagers pleading for help filled the air, yet I ignored them all. As an eagle beastman, I've had to learn to shut out such harrowing cries to preserve my own sanity. These dark experiences have hardened me, chilling my emotions.

Our clan had no females, and we were undesirable partners in the eyes of many. Females seldom sought us out, deterred by our lack of warmth and affection or... because they knew we demanded mutual respect and wouldn't tolerate disrespectful behavior from anyone ─ females included.

From a young age, we are taught that emotions are a distraction. Our partnerships are strategically formed to strengthen our ranks and secure our future.

We are the most respected clan among the beastmen, and this respect grants us easy access to their females. We rescue females, and in return, they bear us eaglets. There's no need to fight their males to win over their females because our status negates the necessity. This approach is the most efficient method for us to continue our lineage. This is our way ─ a path laid down by generations, dictated by necessity rather than desire.

My initial task was to assess the entire situation from above, aiming to minimize our own casualties. After circling the village, I rescued as many females as possible from the scorpions, swiftly transporting them to safety and coordinating with the rescue team.

I thought my mission was complete, but then I spotted another figure. Her scent was faint, nearly undetectable, but my keen vision caught sight of her.

She was busy treating two raccoon beastmen, muttering assuring words while doing so, "It will be alright. There is no need to fear. They are all safe now."

From my angle, her face remained hidden, yet her distinctly feminine stature and the timbre of her voice left no doubt of her gender.

Without waiting for a response, she quickly covered the bodies of the raccoon beastmen, poisoned by scorpion venom, with anything she could find nearby, like furs and clothes, and darted off in a different direction while shouting in the air, "The rescue team is already here! Our females are safe inside the nearby lake. The snake feral who had kidnapped them has been dealt with! Pass on the message!"

She didn't seem affected by the death or gore around her, yet her voice carried fear and desperation, almost as if she was trying to lure the scorpions and rootless in her direction.

She did all that while luring the raccoon beastmen in the lake's direction with false hope. The beastmen continued to shout her message even as they fell victim to the scorpions' venomous attacks and the relentless rootless.

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