41 - Bad Answers

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Toran led them out of the main academy building, through a seldom used utility tunnel than led out to the cavern's northern structures. Piper reached out instinctively, searching for the ever-present data flow that filled AmpCore, but she could barely feel it. All she could find were distant tremors, growing fainter and fainter the further they moved from the central building.

Where the hell are we going?

She kept her amplifier loose in its sheathe, glancing at Odiye. "Where are we going?"

"Defunct fabrication wing," he answered, not looking at her. He looked almost bashful, keeping his eyes downcast as they walked. After the initial surge of feeling being near him again, it had faded into a dull throb in the background she was able to ignore.

Though her personal feelings for him weren't the only reason she felt awkward around him. Her conversation with Arrow still lingered in her mind, and she had no idea how the others would react to the news of the murderous voice inside her head.

She certainly wasn't going to mention it to Toran. If she told Toran, he would tell Ferra, and then all hell would break loose.

They emerged from the tunnel into a dark plaza, with a handful of structures silhouetted by the residual light from the rest of the academy. She could see unlit sentry towers, several massive dormant conveyors, a row of low, broad storage houses and a few hulking fabricator vehicles. It was a lot darker here than she'd gotten used to.

In single file they followed Toran between two of the conveyor tracks, Odiye right behind him, followed by Piper and with Arrow slinking nervously along to the rear. They turned left, then right until they came to the shadow of a cube-shaped metal storage shed.

Toran's amplifier flicked. The thick rectangular plate of the door creaked aside, and he stepped through into darkness.

Slipping her amplifier into her hand, she exchanged a nervous glance with Arrow, and then followed him in.

The dark didn't last long. Once the door clunked back into place behind them, she felt a tremor of energy from up ahead; heard the faint swish of an amplifier moving through air. Then several low yellow lights throbbed into life. A large empty room greeted them – empty except for two figures.

One was Ferra, who turned to face them, a petulant expression on her face.

"Took you long enough," she jibed at Toran.

"What are you, hourly?" he shot back. "Took a little trekking around the academy to bring the gang altogether."

"So we have our audience." Ferra inclined her head to Arrow. "Do we really need her?"

"I want them here," Piper growled. "More than I want you here."

Ferra rolled her eyes. "Fortunately you're not in charge."

"Give it a rest, would you?" Toran grunted, nodding to the other figure in the room.

When Piper followed his eyes, instantly Ferra was forgotten. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the young woman currently fastened to a chair in the middle of the room. She knew it would be Lenor Karga; knew it probably wouldn't have been a pleasant interaction, but this was beyond what she'd expected.

Lenor formed a tableau of hatred, her blond hair dishevelled, eyes wild and bloodshot, with veins and muscles standing out as she strained against the bonds that held her. She wore a tanktop and black academy leggings, laying bare the bruises and burns on her arms and neck showing she had not come down here willingly.

She was currently shackled into some kind of medical cradle, not unlike the one Piper had been locked into for her first examinations at AmpCore. This one had a lot more restraints fitted to it though, with three of them fastened around each arm, and four around each leg. Another thick band of metal was clamped around her throat, holding her in place – at least for the moment.

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