Just My Luck.. Chapter Seven

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 I'd like to start off by saying I am so sorry about how long this took to get up. I was really sick and I recently just recovered. I feel like I have been living in doctors offices. Anyways, hopefully I can start to update more frequently. Again sorry for leaving this un-updated for so long.

 I'd also like to apologize that this is so short. Originally I was going to have more to this chapter but I felt it'd be better if I got a short chapter out rather then a longer one. My computer is being really slow lately and keeps freezing. I don't want that to interfere with the story anymore then it has.

 I know that this chapter is a bit of a repeat of last but when writing the movie scene I couldn't decide whos point of view I wantewd it in so I had to write both, and let me tell you, is it ever hard to put myself in a guys head. haha

This is dedicated to my first fan, thank you. :)



Ezra's Point of View

Back at the apartment I go looking for my Gattaca DVD, not sure what I’ve done with it. Although it may be a movie from the nineties which I’ve seen countless times I still grin in excitement while inserting the disk into the DVD player. Kirsten may not be as passionate about ‘Brave New World’ as I am, but that won’t be the case for long. I’m going to show her the magic the book has hidden in it’s depths.

Skipping the preview I glance over at Kirsten and inwardly smile to myself, even curled up in a ball on the couch she looks stunning.

‘Come on Ezra, she’s your student you can’t think that.’an annoyingly nasal voice inside my head tells me.

Who or what is in my head, and why should I listen to it/them? I mean true they make a good point about being my student, but I do not like her. Period. I frown slightly, I’m annoyed that I am now beginning to hear voices, great now I’m a crazy old grump, who is living with one of his students. No I’m not creepy at all.

‘Whatever helps you sleep at night.’ it replies taunting me.

‘I don’t. Why am I even arguing with you? You’re a voice in my head, go away.’ I silently retort, frustrated by this voice which seems to have an attitude of it’s own, great.

Glancing back at the television I come to realize I’ve been looking at Kirsten for nearly half the movie.

‘Great going Ezra, stare at her. Poor thing is probably totally creeped out by you now.’ the voice laughs at me and my dilemma.

‘Oh hush, I doubt she noticed. No she didn’t, did she? She would have said something if she did right?’ thoughts start rushing through my mind. ‘Could she have noticed, Yes, she could have but she didn’t, I’m almost sure of it.” I reply, more to convince myself that she hadn’t noticed me then to shut that voice up.

I look back towards her when Christopher arrives home causing a sleepy Kirsten to jump into a very attentive sitting position. I’m trying my hardest not to laugh at this but my attempts are in vain and I end up laughing softly, as she slowly relaxes into the couch. Apprehensively I reach out and lightly pull her into my side. To my surprise she smiles up at me, and by god if she doesn’t have the most beautiful smile. I smile back, noticing her sweet scent, I can’t quite place it, but she smells divine. Jeez, I am falling for her, aren’t I?

‘Only one way to find out, kiss her you fool. We both already know you do like her. What harm could it do? Worst that’ll happen is she’ll reject you, but she’s already curled up against you, I highly doubt she’d be horrified.’ that little voice says, quite serious for once.

I looked down at Kirsten, should I kiss her? I think I should kiss her. There’s only one way to know if she will kiss me or not, and that’s to kiss her. She looks up and smiles at me when she notices I’m already looking at her. With that her cheeks flush a pale rose, in embarrassment maybe.

“You’re so cute all curled up like that, Kirsten.” I say shyly. I’m never shy around girls, she has some effect on me.

Her cheeks become two shades redder then they already were upon hearing my words. I hesitated slightly, unsure of myself, before I inch closer to her. Lowering my head just slightly closer to her, when we’re so close that I can hear her hold her breath, her eyes shut and our lips meet in the most tender kiss. I smile slightly against her lips, she really is something.. We both smile at each other before slowly cuddling up on the on the couch together. Soon after I feel her breathing slow and I know she’s dozed off and I join her in dreamland seemingly minutes later.


I wake up and rub my eyes before opening them. Trying to turn my neck to take in my surroundings I slightly wince in pain, my neck is aching, nothing a long hot shower can’t fix. opening my phone I notice it’s six-thirty in the morning, only a half hour later than I usually wake up for work, this means I don’t have to necessarily rush my morning ritual. Gently I lift Kirsten off me, lowering her to the couch slowly, before I head to go take that hot shower.


The hot shower did help, my neck no longer hurts. Who ever discovered that you can heat water and pour it over yourself constantly for however long you want, until you run out, in my opinion is a genius.

Bending down over the couch I lightly shake Kirsten’s shoulder, “Time to get up sleepyhead, school time.” I say laughing while she rolls over and tries to hide.

“Ugh, five more minutes, mom.” she groans, pressing her face farther into the couch cushions. She’s so cute right now, despite calling me mom.

I laugh, “That may work on your mom, but seeing as I’m not the one who birthed you and we’re running late your five minutes are not going to happen. Get up or I’ll pick you up.” I say poking her side.

This time she jolts up with her eyes wide open and starts speaking almost incoherently, “Shit, late? How late? Why didn’t my alarm...” She trails off. I’m guessing she just realized she’s on the couch after falling asleep during Gattaca with me last night. She then blushes a light crimson and madly tries to fix her hair and shirt.

I laugh, “You’re fine, go shower, before it becomes too late, it’s six-fifty now. I’ll go make breakfast, now shoo.” With that she stretches and heads for her bedroom.

I’ll admit I’m starting to soften up towards Kirsten, who am I kidding I falling for her, and fast. But that doesn’t necessarily I want her living here. I would rather it still be just be Christopher and I. If I fell for Kirsten on my own accord and asked her to move in with me, great. I just don’t like this whole arranged marriage part. I will admit after yesterday I feel quite like a teenage boy with a crush, a big crush mind you. Hopefully I won’t act any different around her at school. What am I thinking about, of course I won’t act any different, why would I have any reason to?

‘Well you did kiss her last night, or have you forgotten that. Remember how soft her lips felt, the way she tastes of cherry lip balm, how badly you didn’t want the kiss to end? Also, aren’t you just the one that just said you’re falling for her?’ that pesky voice butts in. I swear if it had a face it’d be smirking.

I sigh, she’s an amazing kisser, I wish I could be kissing her again. Today will be interesting.


Alright there you go. I hope you enjoyed it.

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