Authors note

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I'm sorry I know you all are expecting the update I promised you but this is just a note concerning the story.

I know I promised an update a while ago but I didn't manage to get it up before leaving for Jamaica. Or while I was away as I was really hoping to do (I even brought my laptop and rough draft with me for you guys)

Unfortunately shortly after I returned my uncle (who earlier this year was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer) was hospitalized for issues unrelated to his illnesses and then just recently passed away. Which has really torn me apart inside and I'm not dealing very well. So on top of steal dealing with my injuries from my accident has made my want, ability and drive to do anything but mope completely disappear.

I know I'm not a great updater but as of this moment I am officially putting Just My Luck on hiatus, until I can cope with my loss. I'm sorry and I hope youll all stick with me through this. I will continue to write I just will not update. I love all you guys who have read my story and given me many words of encouragement.

I hope I will be back to you guys soon.

Xoxo Nicole

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