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The Binding of Fate

At the far east of Celestia's valley sits a breathtaking marble palace.

The palace is a grand structure, with walls and pillars carved from the purest white marble, interlaced with veins of shimmering gold and silver with vines of ivy crawling up the length of the walls. The marble is so finely polished that it reflects the ambient light of the golden morning, creating a radiant glow that can be seen from miles away. Each stone is etched with intricate, ancient runes that pulse with a gentle, magical energy, hinting at the powerful enchantments that protect and empower the palace.

Tall, slender towers reach towards the sky, their spires adorned with gleaming gemstones that capture and refract light in dazzling displays of color. The central dome of the palace is a masterpiece of artistry, covered in a mosaic of semi-precious stones depicting the history and legends of the five realms. Beneath the dome lies a vast hall, its floor an expanse of deep green stone, where supernatural beings gather for council and celebration.

Surrounding the palace are lush gardens with flora that blooms in a riot of impossible colors and forms. Trees with silver bark and leaves of emerald green sway gently in an invisible breeze, their branches heavy with glowing fruits that emit a soothing, melodic hum. Streams of crystalline water winds through the gardens, their paths illuminating greens and blues as ethereal creatures dart and play in the sparkling currents.

The air around the palace is filled with the harmonious sounds of Celestial spring, a symphony of chimes and whispers. The scent of blooming flowers and enchanted herbs linger in the breeze, mingling with the faint, sweet aroma of the marble itself.

As the first light of dawn cast its glow upon the palace, Elias Wesley wandered the expansive grounds, his thoughts scattering his mind like sparks from flint and steel. The air was crisp with the new day, yet a sense of restlessness stirred within him, a yearning for something beyond.

Lost in thought, Elias failed to notice the shift in the dense thicket nearby until the sudden rustling of leaves and branches drew his attention. Turning towards the sound, he caught sight of a big disheveled figure stumbling out from the underbrush, his bright aurora borealis hair adorned with twigs and thorns.

Startled, Elias draws his sword from his side and swiftly points it at the mans cheek, but the man does not flinch. Instead, his head spinning, the man collapses to the ground like a puppet with cut strings.

Elias rushes to the stranger, his curiosity piqued by the man's peculiar appearance and the mystery that surrounded him. "Are you alright?" Elias inquired, his voice deep and concerned.

As Eleutherius lies sprawled amidst the lush greenery of the garden, his tall frame was tense against the vines and vibrant blooms. His eyes, usually alight with curiosity, were closed, long lashes cast delicate shadows on his high cheekbones. The vivid purple hue of his irises, normally a beacon of his vibrant personality, is missing, lending an odd quality to his visage.

His inky hair, streaked with hues of bright violet and fiery red, spills on the grass like a cascade of colorful ribbons. His clothing, typically adorned in a bold clash of colours, is now stained with mud and grass, the fabric rumpled and askew from his unexpected tumble down the hill.

In spite of his tense body, there is an air of serenity about him, as if he were merely taking a moment to appreciate the beauty that surrounds him. One hand rested against his chest, fingers tightly curling to his shirt, while the other lay limp at his side, palm upturned to the blue sky.

As the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves overhead, the scent of earth and sweet blossoms filled the air. Eleutherius, dazed and bewildered, blinked up at Elias with wide eyes, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected sight of the handsome prince leaning over him.

"Hi, sorry for startling you." He said, slowly pulling his body into a sitting position. "I am grateful you did not strike me with your weapon," he says sincerely.

When his mind slowly begins to clear, he realises how empty it feels. Usually filled with information and perceptions, memories, now he was fully present, as if there was nothing left to think. It felt to him like something had squeezed the thoughts from his head, but for whatever reason left vague impressions of things.

He could remember the colour of sand, the feel of hard leather gloves, and the sound of sizzling food in a pan, but he could not remember his full name, he could not remember his job, and he could not remember his family or his friends. Although he couldn't remember them, there were the impressions they left behind in his thoughts. The sight of their bodies, their laughs, all a dent in amaranth metal. 

Using an arm to prop himself up, he sucks pain through his teeth. "Something does not agree with my body."

With furrowed brows, Elias steps back and sheaths his sword. The man looked pale in the sun and his chin was covered with a hint of stubble. He was a large man, but overall average looking, all except for his peculiar amethyst eyes. It was like his eyes were telling him something, his ears were just not ready to hear it yet, "Are you alright?" He repeated.

"I... I think so," Eleutherius murmured with a sniff of his nose, his accent was informally lilted, from a realm far from The Valley. After a moment of uncertainty, he rakes the Princes outreached hand and pulls himself to his feet which he now observed were without shoes, and had some scratches. Signs of his tumble down the hill just behind him. "Thank you for your assistance." he looks to the palace and then to the smartly dressed boy with cuff sleeves and perfectly styled hair, and puts a few things together in his mind. With a deep bow he says, "I'm sorry, your highness for not properly introducing myself," the man looks up at the prince to meet his eyes to say, "From what i can remember, my name is Eleutherius, although my trade escapes me, I'm afraid." Eleutherius says politely, as he straightens his back to finally reach his full, imposing height.     

Elias studied Eleutherius intently, his gaze lingering on the faint lines of exhaustion etched upon the man's features. "You look as though you've been through Acheron," he jested, "Allow me to escort you to the palace, where you can rest and tend to your injuries."

Eleutherius hesitated, torn between gratitude for Elias's offer of help and apprehension at the prospect of entering the royal domain. "I... I couldn't possibly impose on your home, your highness," he replied, his gaze flickering with unleashed thoughts. "I'll manage on my own, thank you."

Elias regarded Eleutherius with a mixture of compassion and utter astonishment. "Nonsense, don't be proud Eleutherius" he insisted firmly, his gaze unwavering. "It would be remiss of me to leave you to fend for yourself in such a state."


With gentle persistence, Elias guided Eleutherius towards the imposing doors of the palace, the towering walls casting a protective shadow over them.

As they passed through the threshold of the grand entrance, Eleutherius couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at everything that greeted him; beautiful vases of stained glass on strong marble pillars lined the corridors, ornate frames of gold bursting with colourful scenes on every wall, and the smell of hot food and fresh steam playing with the air, emanating from a small metal door at the end of one of the many long, wide hallways. As breathtaking of a structure the royal palace is, Eleutherius couldn't help but admire the King and Queen for how they made it feel so alive, and like a home.

People bustled through busily, humming or sharing their thoughts with others as The Prince led Eleutherius to a secluded chamber, where clear sunlight cast a bright glow upon the elegant furnishings. "Please, make yourself comfortable," Elias said, gesturing towards a plush armchair by the large bay window. "I'll have someone fetch a healer to tend to your wounds."

As Eleutherius settled into the chair, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his mind. "I don't mean to intrude," he began tentatively, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But why are you being so kind to me? I'm nothing more than a stranger who stumbled into your, may I just say lovely, garden."

Elias offered him a slightly awkward grin, his eyes glazed with thought. "In times of need, it is our duty as human beings to offer aid to those who require it," he replied, his tone gentle yet resolute. "Besides, there's something about you, Eleutherius, that intrigues me. I sense that our journey has just begun together."

Perhaps just wishful thinking, but when a prince wishes, a god is likely to answer.


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