The Stranger In The Palace

Eleutherius sat on the edge of the soft-leather chair as the healer examined his wounds.

His shirtless body was a gallery of bruises, some small ones painted to his pale skin, while others covered wide areas of his back and side. His face and arms were the harsh strokes of twigs and pebbles. From his tumble down the hillside, red gashes sketched over old wounds that had the healer pause, only to continue her work with full focus; she was captivating to watch as she regarded his body and his reactions to her touch, her soft face relaxed with concentration.

Just then, as she pressed the large violet bruise in his side, Eleutherius winced and pulls away from the healers cold gloved hands. "Shh...ahh what are you hands doing there, Doc? You tryin' to kill me?"

Elias, who had been sitting across the room from the two, was absorbed in the strangers smoothly carved body. It was a shock to him how tall the man was, but then when Samira asked for him to remove his soiled shirt, it was hard for the usually polite Elias to drag his eyes away. He had never felt this magnetised to another person before. It was a senseless attraction that he hoped would evaporate before he did anything more embarrassing than gazing at the mans plush abdomen.

When Eleutherius spoke to Samira, it was a shock to his system. How he spoke was so different to how he spoke to Elias minutes earlier. His voice was deeper, its warm cadence vanishing like the snuffed flame of a rose scented candle. He was direct with his words, and yet the complete absence of feeing rebooted Elias's mind. This was a stranger. He was a man he had never met, and he had invited him inside of his home, not to be attracted to him, but to be kind. And perhaps also for the hint of adventure Elias had seen in his eyes that he no longer saw.

When he looked at Eleutherius in those moments, all he was able to see was the pure blackness of his constricted pupils.

It was a peculiar moment when Eleutherius stared down the healer. It was like he was trying to intimidate the smaller woman, even when he had no clear reason for it.

Samira just laughed. "Just checking your ribs for a break."

"I know what you were doing, I've served under doctors much better than the likes of a simple palace healer, and I'll tell you now, they did a much better job at keeping people out of pain." He said it to her cheeks, like he was a word away from licking her skin.

Elias was there, pulling her away from him instantly. "Don't you dare speak to her that way. Samira is a well respected healer, and in this kingdom respect is not given unless it is earned." Elias pushes on Eleutherius's bare shoulders as he stares the man down. "I suggest you spend tonight in the servants quarters before we can sort out what to do with you."

The man leans in and whispers to Elias's ear, the hot words felt like grayanotoxin to his sweet ears. "I bet that's where you keep all your infatuations, your highness."

The stranger pulls back and smiles brightly at Elias. "Well, it appears I owe you a debt of gratitude," he remarked wryly, the bright lilac of his eyes shining like amethysts in the summer, the amusement dancing in his eyes again. "I must say, stumbling into a royal palace is not exactly how I envisioned starting my day."

Elias and Samira felt an icy chill enter their spines, they weren't quite used to the duplicity of his kind.

The sound of footsteps ends the uncomfortable atmosphere of the room as the clack of boots meet the large entrance. All turned towards the doorway to greet the newcomer. "Ah, Captain Reynolds," Elias said, addressing the tall, imposing figure who had entered the room. Very much relieved to be interrupted. He couldn't make out what was happening in Eleutherius's head. "I trust you've been informed of our guest's unexpected arrival?"

The captain nodded curtly, his expression unreadable as he regarded Eleutherius with a scrutinizing gaze. "Indeed, Your Highness," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "I'll ensure that proper arrangements are made for our... unexpected guest."

Eleutherius observed the captain with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, sensing an underlying tension in the air. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he remarked dryly, his tone laced with sarcasm. Running a hand through his hair, he smiles lopsidedly at the captain, "I must say, being escorted by a dashing captain adds a certain flair to the whole 'crashing into a palace garden' scenario."

Captain Reynolds arched an eyebrow, his stern expression softening ever so slightly at Eleutherius's jest. "Flattery will get you nowhere, I'm afraid," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "But I suppose I can forgive a bit of cheekiness from someone in your... unique circumstances."

Elias brayed awkwardly between the two, still in shock at the strange mans change in demeanour. He was acting just as he was before, and what frightened Elias the most was that he could not determine whether he was conscious of the flip. "Im sure captain Reynolds will ensure you make it to the servants chambers safely." He says coolly to the captain with a silent message in his eyes, 'don't trust this man!'

Eleutherius offered Elias a grateful nod, his heart warmed by the prince's kindness and generosity. "Thank you, Your Highness," he replied sincerely, his voice tinged with emotion. "I promise to repay your hospitality in whatever way I can. And who knows? Maybe one day I'll even manage to repay the favour with my own garden for you to crash into."

With a smile, Eleutherius and Elias settled into an uneasy yet hopeful situation. Elias ached to consult his father on what had transpired.

As the time came for Eleutherius to bid farewell to Elias, he found himself at a loss for words, his heart pounding with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "Well, Your Highness, it seems our meeting has come to an end, for now." he said, his voice tinged with jest. "I can't thank you enough for your hospitality and kindness."

Elias's cheeks flushed with a faint blush at Eleutherius's heartfelt words, his gaze meeting Eleutherius's with a warmth that sent a shiver down his spine. "It was my pleasure, Eleutherius," he replied dishonestly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I hope our paths cross again later."

With a gentle smile and a lingering gaze at the tight-lipped prince, Eleutherius turned to follow Captain Reynolds out of the room, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. As they made their way through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, Captain Reynolds led Eleutherius to a large chamber on the opposite wing, away from the hustle and bustle of the royal family.

"Here we are," the captain said, gesturing towards the door with a curt nod. "Your accommodations for the duration of your stay."

Eleutherius surveyed the room with a critical eye, noting the too many beds and the chewed flaking door. "Well, it's not quite the lap of luxury, but it'll do just fine," he remarked with a smirk, his tone playful yet appreciative. "At least it's far enough from the royal family to avoid any... collisions."

Captain Reynolds arched an eyebrow at Eleutherius's jest, his lips twitching with the hint of a smile. "Indeed," he replied dryly, his voice tinged with amusement. "I trust you'll find everything to your satisfaction. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

With a nod of thanks and a final glance back at the distant wing where Elias resided, Eleutherius stepped into his new quarters, and as he settled into the solitude of his temporary abode, he couldn't shake the feeling that his encounter with Prince Elias was something more than he saw. It felt like a secret, and he was very much aware of that secret.

The memory of their final moments together remained stagnant in his mind, it wasn't hard to notice the sudden apprehension in the Princes eyes, and it definitely wasn't hard to notice the shear terror on the healers previously beautiful and relaxed face.


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