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The Mysteries That Grow

Elias woke not too many hours later; the events of the previous night swirling in his mind like a confusing dream. Blinking against the morning light filtering through the curtains, he glanced around the familiar room. Then his gaze fell upon Eleutherius lying beside him, still asleep.

There was a second of confusion, a little tuft of fear burning a hole in his heart until he remembered last night.

Carefully, Elias sat up and studied Eleutherius's face, softened with sleep, and elegantly relaxed. His breath caught as he noticed the gentle rise and fall of Eleutherius's chest, the rhythmic pattern of his breathing. He couldn't help but admire the peaceful expression on his face, framed by tousled hair and hard features.

As Elias continued to observe, his gaze trailed down Eleutherius's body, taking note of the lean muscles and the way he lay so serenely under the sheets. A sense of wonder and curiosity washed over him as he noticed the small details—the curve of Eleutherius's jawline, the smooth slope of his shoulders.

"Who are you, really?" Elias whispered softly, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. He reached out tentatively, tracing a finger along Eleutherius's cheekbone, marveling at the smoothness of his tan skin.

Memories of the night before flooded Elias's mind—finding Eleutherius unconscious outside his bathroom door, the dream. Questions swirled in Elias's thoughts, unanswered and confusing. What had brought Eleutherius to the palace? Why had Eleutherius appeared like that? And why did Elias feel such a pull towards this mysterious stranger with the captivating violet eyes?

Three guesses why, he thinks lightly. He isn't dull, he can understand the series of events. He gets told he is the new Electus - the first in millennia - and all of a sudden a mysterious man appears from the bushes? Perhaps fate was feeling tired that day. In any case he should speak with his parents about him, that is clear.

Lost in contemplation, Elias let his hand linger near Eleutherius's face, sensing a connection that he couldn't quite feel just yet. "You're a mystery," he murmured softly, a mixture of awe and uncertainty colouring his words. "There's something about you... something that draws me in."

In the quiet of the morning, Elias allowed himself a moment of solitude, his thoughts spinning with possibilities and unanswered questions. Beside him, Eleutherius slept on, oblivious to the storm of emotions and thoughts swirling around Elias's mind.

As the sun continued its ascent outside the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Elias sat with Eleutherius, silently contemplating the enigma that had entered his life so unexpectedly.

A Kindred Spirit.

So soon?


Eleutherius slowly stirred awake, the golden light of the morning sun filtering through the curtains, and bathing the room in an ethereal glow. He blinked sleepily, eyelashes casting delicate shadows on his cheeks as he became aware of his surroundings. Stretching languidly, he shifted against the pillows and felt the smoothness of the sheets beneath him.

As he turned his head, his eyes met the gentle radiance of the sun, his tan skin glowing with a natural warmth as the soft morning light delicately grazed his features. His tousled hair caught hints of gold, framing his face in a beautiful halo.

Eleutherius took a moment to simply bask in the tranquility of the morning, the serenity of the room wrapping around him like a comforting embrace. He felt a sense of peace settle over him, a stark contrast to the unease that had been plaguing him since he first arrived inside the palace.

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