Chapter Five

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     After dinner, Tahlia decided to spend some alone time by the fireplace. She sat on the sofa, staring at the orange flames of the fire. From where she was sitting, she could feel the heat on her face.

Feeling a familiar presence, Tahlia turned her head and saw Anakin was standing in the doorway. She didn't say anything as she glanced back at the fire. For a moment, Anakin hesitated, but stepped further in the room and joined her on the sofa. She stared into the fire while he stared at the side of her face.

Tahlia felt his gaze.

"May I tell you something?" Anakin asked, breaking the silence.

Tahlia nodded, turning her head to look at him. "Of course."

"From the moment I met you all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you." He began, his gaze staring deeply into Tahlia's. "I'm in agony being here with you. It gets worse every time I'm with you."

Tahlia had to force herself to look away, his words haunting her mind. She felt him move closer to her, so close that she can feel his breath on her neck.

"The thought of not being with you, I can't breathe." He continued, and Tahlia had to force herself to not look at him. "I'm haunted by the kiss you never should have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that kiss will not become a scar."

Tahlia shifted uncomfortably, still not looking at him. "Anakin, stop."

He only moved closer to her. "You are in my very soul, tormenting me."

Now Tahlia did look at him.

As she stared deeply into his eyes, she saw that he was speaking the truth. There was pain in his eyes, but there was also love and affection.

"What can I do?" He continued, desperation dripping from his tongue. "I will do anything that you ask."

Tahlia just stared at him, not really knowing how to respond to his confession. His confession made her heart flutter, made her stomach tingle.

"Say something. Please." He begged.

Tahlia was still silent as she broke eye contact with him, searching for words to say.

Anakin scoffed as she remained silent. "If you are suffering as much as I am, please, tell me."

She was suffering. Ever since she walked in on him and Padmé, she's been suffering. She realized that strange feeling she felt was jealousy, which she hated because it made her feel vulnerable. But other than that, being on Naboo with Anakin, made her realize she did love Anakin. She always said she hated him, but instead of hating him, she was in love with him.

She was just too scared to admit her feelings to herself.

"I can't." Tahlia whispered, shaking her head slowly. "We can't. It's just not possible."

"Anything is possible, Tahlia." He said, desperation swimming in his eyes. "Listen to me."

"No, you listen." She sternly spoke, rising to her feet. "We live in a real world. Come back to it. We swore an oath to the Jedi. We can't do this, no matter how we feel for each other."

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