Chapter Eighteen

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"What happened?" Padmé exclaimed when Obi-Wan came rushing out of the ship with an unconscious Tahlia in his arms. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know." Obi-Wan answered truthfully.

"Bring her inside." Bail Organa ordered. "To the medical center."

Once they got to the medical center, Obi-Wan put Tahlia in a room for medical inspection. Him, Padmé, Master Yoda, Bail Organa, and the two droids stood outside the room, all hoping for her to be fine.

"What happened, Obi-Wan?" Padmé asked him.

All eyes fell on him as he ran a hand over his face. "Anakin happened."

"Is he..." Padmé stopped when she saw Obi-Wan was shaking her head. That was all she needed to know and she glanced back at Tahlia, a frown forming on her face.

A medical droid rolled out of the room Tahlia was in. "Medically, she's completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her."

Padmé's face dropped. "She's dying?"

"We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies."

"Babies?" Bail Organa repeated, confused and shocked.

"She's carrying twins." The droid informed.

"She's awake." Padmé exclaimed, rushing into the room without saying anything else.

Tahlia laid there on the operating table, her chest heaving up and down as her eyes never left the bright light above her. All she could think about was Anakin.


She turned her head, growing a small smile when she made eye contact with Padmé, who looked completely heart broken. Obi-Wan waltzed in the room, holding the same look in his eyes as Padmé's.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, standing on the other side of the table.

"I'm really tired." She answered, her gaze meeting Obi-Wan's. "Where's Anakin? Is he alright?"

Padmé felt her heart break for her friend while Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something, but closed it shut because he couldn't tell her that he left Anakin on Mustafar. Left him there to die.

"You're having twins, Tahlia." Padmé spoke, causing Tahlia to look over at her.

"Twins?" She asked, shocked.

Few minutes later, Tahlia was in labor, her screams echoing in the room. She held Padmé's hand, surprisingly not breaking it because of how tight she was holding it. Sweat covered her entire face as she pushed, her teeth gritting in pain.

"You got this, Tahlia." Obi-Wan whispered to her softly.

Her screams continued to echo in the room as she pushed as hard as she can. She found herself wishing Anakin was here beside her. She was grateful that Padmé and Obi-Wan was there, but she wanted her husband, the father of her children, standing beside her, holding her hand and telling her everything was going to be okay.

Finally, after one last push, the sound of crying filled the room. Tahlia sighed in exhaustion as Padmé carefully took the baby from the medical droid.

"It's a boy." Padmé told her, leaning down a bit so Tahlia can have a good look at her son.

"Luke." Tahlia whispered as she looked at her son, a small smile forming on her face. She reached to touch his forehead. "Oh, Luke."

She whimpered in pain when she began to push again. Thankfully, the second child wasn't as hard to push out. The medical droid handed the baby to Obi-Wan, who smiled down at the little human in his arms.

He leaned down so Tahlia can have a look. "It's a girl."

"Leia." Tahlia whispered.

Silence fell in the room as Tahlia closed her eyes, feeling herself grow weaker and weaker. She reached for the japor snippet hanging around her neck.

"Obi-Wan?" She whispered, barely opening her eyes as she looked at him. "Please don't give up on him. There's good in him. I know. I know there's... still..."

Her voice trailed off, her head tilting to the side as she released her last breath. Luke started to cry uncontrollably, as if he sensed his mother passing away. Padmé started to sob as well, covering her mouth with her hand as she stared at Tahlia's limp body.

Obi-Wan felt tears form in his eyes. Tahlia, the girl he's always saw as a little sister, was gone. She was dead.

He lost two important people to him.

Meanwhile, across the galaxy, Darth Vader was restrained to a table, a mask slowly being lowered to his face. The sound of mechanical breathing filled the room.

The table started to slowly rise up. The first thing Darth Vader did when he was upright was glance around the room, hoping to spot a certain person, but there was no sign of her.

"Lord Vader." Darth Sidious spoke. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, master." Darth Vader responded, slowly turning his head to look at his new master. "Where is Tahlia? Is she safe? Is she alright?"

"It seems, in your anger, you killed her."

In that moment, Darth Vader didn't want to live anymore.

"I— I couldn't have. She was alive. I felt it!" He shouted.

He tried to sense her through the Force, but found nothing, which made him angry. Everything around him started to crush. He was in pain. Terrible pain. Images of his wife appeared in his mind, which only caused him so much more pain.

She was gone, and he had to live with the fact that he's the reason she was dead.

Darth Vader ripped his wrists out from the restrains, stepping away from the table and dropping to his knees, letting out a scream of agony.

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