Chapter 5

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Back at Splash Mountain, the Brer Animals had changed their clothes and returned to the Briar Patch with satisfied smiles.

"Yes suh! Dat wuz a zip-a-dee-doo-dah slide fo sho!" said Brer Rabbit.

"Sho was! An' now we's clean an' unsuspectin'!" said Brer Fox.

"Shaw 'nuff!" Brer Rabbit agreed.

But then, they noticed Brer Bear scratching his behind.

"Brer Bear, can'tcha go one day widout scratchin' yo butt?" said Brer Fox.

"I sorry, but it really itches" said Brer Bear.

Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox were scratching their own bodies too.

"We's all itchin'!" said Brer Rabbit. "We musta slid in poison oak!" 

"Brer Chad can't see us scratchin'! Den he'll suspect us fo shaw!" said Brer Fox.

"But I's horrible at lyin'. When I does, I stuttas like crazy" said Brer Bear.

Just then, Chad returned with a tray of scones. 

"There you three are" he said. "It took longer than I thought, but the scones are ready for the game."

"Ohh, dat's gon' be mighty fun, Brer Chad" said Brer Rabbit.

"I'm glad you approve, Brer Rabbit" said Chad. "And I guarantee it'll be way more fun than sliding in that filthy mud."

"W-w-w-which we'd n-n-n-n-nevah do. C-c-c-c-cuz we'd n-n-n-nevah d-d-d-disobey ya" Brer Bear stuttered.

"Is everything alright, Brer Bear?" said Chad with concern.

"He's fine. Jes' jittery fo de game" said Brer Fox.

At the lighthouse, Victoria was showing Burt and Jeremy her lighthouse model collection. 

She picked one up and gave it to Burt.

"Burt, I've always been collecting lighthouse models. But I shall give this one to you so you'll always remember this day" she whispered sweetly.

"Holy miniatures hobbyist, Victoria. I love it" said Burt accepting the model.

"Isn't that lovely" said Jeremy with a smile.

"Isn't that lovely" Patty mocked.

Jeremy took the model from Burt and examined it. "And what fine detail. I dare say, madam, you have such taste."

"Oh come on!" Patty grunted.

Then she spoke more to herself. "Jeremy, prepare to be kissed by a real lady."

But as she walked over to kiss Jeremy, she tripped over her feet and accidentally knocked Victoria down the stairs.

"Victoria! Are you okay?" Burt gasped.

Now Jeremy was sorta mad. "Patty, why did you throw that remarkably lovely lady down the stairs?"

"I didn't! I mean, I did, but I was just going in for a kiss!" Patty shouted.

"What?! I said I called dibs" said Burt.

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