Chapter Four

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"When I asked where to look for you-know-who, I didn't think you had a death wish," Dahlia whispers while keeping her firm grip on my right arm as we stand outside a pub in the town market.

"I asked, 'Hey Dahlia, where does one find a bunch of outlaw supernaturals,' and you said, 'The pub in Glenshire.' Now we are at the pub, and this is exactly where someone would go to hide in plain sight. Don't you agree?"

"First, keep your voice down. Second, I agree with you, but these places are dangerous." Dahlia bites her lower lip in worry.

I nudge her and smile, "That's why I have a badass werewolf to defend me."

"If I'm your last hope, then we're doomed," Dahlia mutters behind me as I enter the pub.

Tall wooden structures housed the mean-looking men and women. Outlaws. The baddest of the bunch. Unfortunately, it's precisely what we're looking for. To the left stood a large wooden bar surrounded by stools against the outer walls, lined with brown booths. I guess they had a theme of wood and brown.

"So what is the plan?"

"We grab a table."


"It's been three hours, and not once have we seen anything remotely suspiciously Lycan-like. What are you even looking for?"

"I don't know," I say in defeat. Maybe this is a stupid idea when I notice a man sitting on a stool at the bar. He was a huge man, and he was all alone. What stood out was the way he made graceful movements. They were subtle, but something about how he moved caught my attention.

The moment it clicked, I was out of my seat and muttering to Dahlia, "I'll be right back."

She doesn't get a chance to respond because I'm already moving towards the man. I know what was different about him. He moved like the Lycans I've seen in my visions. With grace and purpose. If you knew what to look for, it would become pretty obvious.

"This seat taken?" I ask the man even though I know it's not. I effortlessly slide onto the stool beside him when he doesn't respond and order a water pitcher. " you come here often?"

"Fuck off," came from him.

"That's...pleasant. Are you a werewolf?" His head slowly turns towards me as his eyes flash gold briefly before disappearing.

"Never mind, I'll fucking leave," he growls before leaving the pub.

"Shit," I curse before signaling Dahlia to follow.

"What happened?"

"We found what we're looking for."

"How do you know?" Dahlia questions as we hurry to follow him.

"Because his eyes flashed gold, not yellow like a normal werewolf."

"Are you sure it wasn't a trick of the light?"

"I've only seen eyes like that in my dreams, and I know the difference."

"You're starting to think these aren't just dreams anymore?"

"No," I pause and take a deep breath, knowing I might sound insane, "I like it's a past life or something. She wants me to do something."

"She?" The man is now heading towards the busy part of the market, and we'll be more likely to lose him that way.

"Yes, she. I think I'm replaying her memories like she wants me to stop something. I know how it sounds." I turn back towards the man but curse when I can't spot him in the growing crowd. Plus, it was getting dark outside now.

"Now, what do we do?" Dahlia asks in defeat.

"I guess go to the inn, get some rest, and see if he shows up to the pub tomorrow." Heading towards the inn, we pass by the pub again. In front stood a particularly rowdy group of werewolves.

"Hello, beautiful creatures," slurs one of them. I try to ignore them until they step closer, blocking our way.

"Please move," I pointedly keep my eyes on his shoulder to avoid provoking the already drunk wolves.

"Why don't you join us?" Clearly, these men couldn't take a hint.

"Move, now," I snap. Screw pleasantries. I attempt to push my way past them, but he grabs me instead, and I squirm to get away. "Let go of me." He started dragging me towards an alley, and panic seized me. I can't let them get me alone in there. I look over my shoulder to see Dahlia struggling, too, but even with her werewolf strength, she was no match against two male shifters. We finally reached the edge of the alleyway, and fear threatened to consume me.

"Let us go. No harm, no foul, okay?" I could hardly distinguish what was before me other than this man backing me into a brick wall.

I hear Dahlia's screech of outrage and glance over to see them pawing at her. Rage consumes me, and suddenly, it's as if I'm a different person as I fling out my hand, and a gush of wind propels the two off of Dahlia and crashing into the brick wall behind them, effectively knocking them out. Then I grab the forearms of the man holding me, causing him to cry out in pain as smoke steams off his skin. I let go to see burns where my hands used to lie. What the actual fuck?

"We must go," Dahlia tells me as I stare at my hands in shock. "Come on." I let her drag me back out of the alley in a daze as I try to understand how I could have just done that. For the first time, I wasn't just questioning who I was. Now I'm wondering what the hell I am.


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Much love,
Emily Rose 🥀 

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