Chapter Seven

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"Did anyone see you?" Asks a gruff male voice.

"Don't insult me," comes an annoyed male voice.

I smell burning like a fire before the hood is removed from my head. I glance around and Dahlia sitting next to me with her hands tied with rope like mine. We are surrounded by two men who have each taken a position around the campfire. I knew I smelt fire.

"Real tough, tying us up. Scared of two women?" I snap.

"Cassia," Dahlia warns, "They're not your typical werewolves."

I notice what she means. Both stood tall and imposing. One had a jagged scar along the left side of his face. The other one had various scars along their exposed arms. Rogues? No, something more menacing and dangerous. Could they be Lycans? I suspected that guy at the bar of being one and these two carry themselves in the same way.

"How did you find the castle?" Demands the one with the scarred face. He had blonde hair with brown eyes and stood tall.

"What castle?" I ask.

He clenches his jaw in annoyance. "The one we just took you from."

"Oh, that castle. Funny story, we were walking around the woods and stumbled upon it," I shrug. No way would I tell the actual truth.

"Cute. Listen here blondie, you have ten seconds to spill or I'm going to start breaking things on your friend. She may be a werewolf and heal, but it will still hurt like a bitch." I gulp. This guy wasn't messing around.

"Okay, what's the big deal? It's just a castle." I ask.

"A broken down one at that," added Dahlia.

"Hey, I'm asking the questions," snaps the man. They both look behind us.

"Someone's coming," whispers Dahlia.

I glance behind us to see two more giant men walk out of the woods. What is with these men being so big? The one on the right was the one from the bar and the other...images flashed before my vision and I'm yanked into the past.


"To Cassia, who did the impossible and tamed the ultimate beast," laughter fills the great hall. A man stands next to the Lycan King on the dais pointing a glass of ale at me on the other side. "Thank you for coming into our life. I wish you had met me first in that clearing—"

"Jasper," the king growls in warning.

"Just kidding," the man, Jasper, holds up his hands in surrender.


"Jasper," I whisper. The man on the left was the same man from my vision.

"Cassia," shock covers his tan face with brown eyes surrounded by chocolate brown hair.

"Did I miss something?" Asks Dahlia.

"I..." glimpses of the past race across my mind. "I'm not her," I mutter. I try to blink the past away.

The man, Jasper, stands in front of me when I open my eyes again. "How do you know who I am?"

"She has these visions of the past life of some girl named Cassia," Dahlia says for me because I seem unable to form a thought.

There was a headache forming between my eyes. "You knew each other." I wasn't asking.

"Cas and I were old friends, a long time ago before..." His voice trails off.

"Before she died." Jasper glances at me in confusion.

"This is great and all, but she knows about the castle and you Jasper. What do we do now?" Asks the man with the scarred arms.

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