Chapter 17 Captured

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Oz Guards pulling Elphaba to the truck

Elphaba: What are you doing? Let me go!

They throw Elphaba into the truck and hand cuff her

In the truck driving to Oz

Elphaba: what do you want with me? Why can't you just leave me alone I wasn't trying to hurt anyone.

Oz Guards: you we're supposed to be dead.

Elphaba: Yeah well I'm not! And again I wasn't even bothering anyone.

Oz Guards: This is no time to talk back.

Elphaba: what!?!? I'm just asking a question.

Oz Guard: well that question won't be answered. We are taking you to Oz and locking you up. Then when we want to we are going to kill you.

Elphaba: No please! (starts to cry quietly) I'm with child can't you at least wait till I have my baby first.

Oz Guard: We will see.

Elphaba: Could I at least ask how you found me.

Oz Guard: Oh my god do you ever stop talking. If you keep talking I'm going to put duck tap over your mouth.

Elphaba: Go ahead!

Oz Guard: is that a threat.

Elphaba: No I'm telling you to go ahead. But before you do HELP HELP!!!

Oz Guard: All right that's it!

The Oz gard stoped the truck and put duck tap on Elphaba's mouth.

Fiyero back at there house

Fiyero's POV

Shit shit shit shit Fea is gone oh god that gard that was at the door must have had another gard with him and saw Fea in the bedroom and just broke is and took her. But I knew I couldn't just leave when the gard was at the door I needed to act like I knew nothing. But now she is gone. Maybe if I just would have ran to her when she yelled my name maybe I would have been able to save her. I have to try and save her but first I'm going to have to notify Chestry and Glinda. 

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