Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

(5 year time skip)

It's been 5 years since Trigona and Bumblebee's sire at passed into the Allspark. They were heartbroken when it happened, but they had to fulfill their sire's wish and to stay with each other. Bumblebee finished college and moved back to the city Trigona was a Gladiator in so they can stay with each other.

Bumblebee was sent to a nice hospital. He became Ratchet's student and learned a few things from him, besides the wrench throwing when he did something wrong or when Trigona sneaked up on him.

Ratchet and the Sunblast's have become very close. Bumblebee saw Ratchet as a mentor, but to Trigona, he was like a sire figure to her. She cared for him just as she cared for her sire. Whenever all three of them had breaks from their jobs, they would go out and drink Energon together, Trigona would bring Bulldozer sometimes, even bring Megatronous, but most of the time, it was just the three of them.

They had so much fun together. With all the money that Trigona has been earning from her years of being a Gladiator, she was able to buy her sire's house and make it bigger to where all three of them could stay together and they even had spare if any friends of theirs wanted to stay.

But, it has been hard for the two siblings. It felt strange to not have either of their creators with them for once. But they knew they had each other and people around them to help them and take care of them.

As of right now, Ratchet and Bumblebee were currently in seats in the Gladiatorial ring, waiting for Trigona to begin her battle. She's won over 600 fights in the last 5 years. She's enjoyed it. She's now Megatronous' equal. She actually considered Megatronous as another brother and she tells herself that she'll do anything for him, because he has done so much for her.

Back with Ratchet and Bumblebee, they've never been in the Gladiatorial ring before so it was shocking and quite unnerving (mainly for Ratchet).

The announcer began speaking.

"I know what you've all been waiting for!!!" The whole stadium began cheering.

"Some of you may have heard, Megatronous is leaving the Gladiatorial ring, and for this battle he has decided that he will fight against the one Cybertronian that he considers an equal!!! They were once his student!! I give you...!"

The stadium kept erupting in cheers and they were getting louder and louder.

"Trigona!!!!" Every Cybertronian stood to their feet clapping, whistling, and cheering.

Giant doors began sliding open, out came Trigona, she was taller, and had longer hair (remember not actual hair, it looks like dreads in her bio chapter). She walked out holding a large sword.

"And her opponent, for his final fight is none other than, the indestructible, the merciless, the most powerful... Megatronous!!!!" The stadium was even louder for Megatronous. Trigona respected that as she respected Megatronous.

Two larger doors opened and out came Megatronous with nothing but his arm sword. They both looked at each other and began making their way toward the middle of the arena so they could talk.

"Trigona. It has been an honor training you and become your equal." Trigona smiled and nodded.

"Megatronous. It has been an honor being trained under you and have become your equal."

They both raised their hands and shook. The stadium clapped for them. They both walked away from each other to they're edge of the stadium.

Once they got into a fighting stance. The announcer knew they were ready.

"Gladiator's, are you ready!!?" They both nodded.

"Cybertronians, are you ready!!?" The stadium once again cheered.

"Then, Get Ready, and.......










~Calico Cali Out~

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