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At the time of college.

The breeze, blowing in the air as the calmness of morning spread in the sky
birds chirping, and the essence of fresh trees and flowers roamed in the air making it more freshy morning.

Sun on it's peak, blue sky with white clouds like a painting and hues of orange and pink, made it look like someone had added extra colours in the sky to enhance the beauty of the sky, Just like that, a guy in his brown hair, with yellow hoodie and jeans, enhancing the boy body while he had a black backpack around his shoulders, black backpack bouncing on his waist with the speed he had taken. Running with speed of marathon, as he looked up at the sky, and glared at the sun who was throwing it's rays on the Seoul land without any care. The guy groaned because of the sweat trailing on his forehead to the side of his face.

"I am late shit......" He cursed under his breath while running on the footpath, after a while of his marathon a premises came into view, more like a study campus. His lips formed a smile when he reached the gate which was open.

On time buddy...

This thought ran in his mind, as he stepped in the campus, SNU. and went in the hallway, the chaotic hallway, filled with all the majored students, some were at their lockers talking to their friends and some were going to their next classes, Taehyung looked at his surroundings and hoped to get along in the campus as he was Reaching the hallway, he stopped and took a deep breath, calming his speedy heartbeat. When he calmed down, he walked to the principles office.

When he reached the office, he gulped and knocked on the door after a seconds a soft voice called him inside. He grabbed the knob and opened it.

When he get inside, he saw the interiors, it was full of peace and homy vibe. He closed the door behind him, while admiring the office he took his pace and walked before the desk where a old lady was sitting.

The lady remove her glasses, rubbing her nose bridge, as a indication of how much she was exhausted doing her work. She sighed and looked up, finding a new face in her office. She cleared her throat and placed her glasses back on, The guy looked at the voice, he nervously smiled and bowed

"H-Hello, Mam. I am Kim Taehyung. I am new here in the campus." She nodded and gestured him to take his seat. As he sat, the old lady opened a drawer beneath the desk and took out a brown file.

"So, your name is Kim Taehyung," she asked as a confirmation as she opened the file
"Yes. Mam." He nodded, the lady rummaged through the file while Taehyung was waiting, adjusting the glasses on her nose bridge she took out a sheet from inside the file, after taking it out she closed the file.

"Mr. Kim, this is your period schedule for the semesters in the campus...." She forwarded the sheet to him, as he took it from her hands and looked through it. The lady placed her arms on the desk and continued
"...As the schedule and time is given in the sheet, you would be following them any how. Campus needs a disciplined students so, you have to go through the rules of the campus also. It's given in the sheet, you can look through it and If you want to change the subjects you have to do it in a two months after that there will be no changes will be placed in your subjects schedule and moreover if you will have any problem, please come to the office. I hope you will like the campus......" She finished with a smile.

Taehyung stood up and bowed again with a nod
"Ok, Mam and thank you for this. I will keep all the things you have said in my mind." He said with smile.
"I hope too. Study well, Now, You are dismissed." She said and with a last smile to each other. Taehyung came out from the office with a sigh as he closed the door behind him.

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