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"Change is the rule of life."


~2 Months later~


It was fall of morning, beauty of sun could be seen in the sky, sunrays falling everywhere, glowing it's nature beauty along with green species beauty too. Morning was the favourite time of the married girl cause she loved to gave bath to her baby, his giggles, his cute actions and his flappy bird flapping habits, that was cute and will always be but that cuteness, those actions, she won't be seeing them again cause, last night, her dear husband, totally denied her to give bath to his baby, Jae. When she heard that she was devastated. In her entire life, she can leave everything behind but not her baby, that innocent soul was the reason for her happiness, she begged him to not to do this cruelty on her but Jungkook didn't heard anything and since then his mother, Aka Mrs. Jeon took the responsibility of taking care of his morning routine, Mrs. Jeon was against this and for the first time he screamed on his mother, Mrs. Jeon was stunned at his Behaviour, the boy she knew was never like this, he never yelled on anyone, let alone to his mother, everything was startling for Mrs. Jeon and Y/N, they never knew That Jungkook would change this much, it broke their heart that Jungkook was taking wrong steps which would make him guilty and regret, they tried to stop him for his heartless behaviour cause a little soul was watching and hearing everything but Jungkook didn't heard that, he ignored it and become more cruel, his aura changed in a drastic way.

Since last 2 months he had changed, he had changed alot, his behaviour, his actions towards his wife had become more cruel and torture full, he would blame her for everything, for every small mistakes, even she didn't done any mistakes. He blamed her for everything even for the things she never knew she did, even he slapped her all his own mistakes on her face too, humiliating her was his daily quota, he would humiliate her so much that she would cry in their room, at the corner, blaming for what she had done that she didn't knew about it. She would alway question that what ever she had done or not but why she shouldn't knew about it and on top of it she don't even know her mistakes, that her husband was acting so, ruthless and heartless to her.

His words, his venomous words would Pierce her so brutally that she wanted to cry so bad infront of him, but she never did, she never let her guard down before him even if he did so many dirty things to her.

Every night he would come late, drunk and wasted, he would visit bar and clubs every night, he didn't left out the strip clubs too, she never knew that her husband was visiting strip clubs and would drank there, alone or not, she was unaware about that because afterall her dear husband disconnected every single way for connecting bts because he thought that Y/N would slut around like she did before in the welcome party, he hated her but he never wanted any man to look at her or talk to her, all this while, he drank so much that he wouldn't knew that what he was doing, His wife told him that he shouldn't drink every day but instead of obeying her, instead of listening her he did such a vicious act with her that, even god was shivering in heaven. He raped her, he railed her that night, he didn't let her sleep till she didn't passed out, but still he went on even if she was passed out because of exhaustion, that night was one of the nightmare for Y/N, it left a huge scar on her dignity, a huge scar which was paining like hell, and the cure of that scar was non, she was helpless, in her entire life she never felt this helplessness taking her.

She was traumatized that time, she cried every time, every day and every night for blaming her fate that why she ever fell for him, why she didn't fell for someone, someone like yoongi.

Being this much vulnerable, she never showed her pained face to her baby, she took care of him like a flower, even Jungkook took the rights of staying with her son, but still would make sure of too meet her son, not infront of him but alone, she made sure of taking him away from his father's shadow, she never want him to be like Jungkook. She tried her best to creat distance in between Jae and Jungkook but she failed, however she still made sure of that Jae won't be like his father and she will always make sure of it in the future too.

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