Chapter 2.

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"Alexandra!" A middle aged woman stood over a pale blue bed, peach lips formed in a scowl as she brushed one of her curls behind her ears. The figure beneath the sheets groaned as the woman pushed open the covers.

"You have a delivery to do!" The figure jerked upright, spitting a chunk of her dark red hair out of her mouth as she cried out, "What?!?!?" The woman shook her head, smiling.

"Breakfast is in the living room when you're ready."

"Thanks Ma," Alexandra grumbled and the woman smiled, clearly amused.

"Tell me that when you're dressed and at the table. You have five minutes." The wooden door closed behind her and Alexandra burst upwards from the bed, falling to the floor.

"AGH!" Her mother's laughter echoed throughout the house and flames licked at Alexandra's cheeks.

She pushed open her closet door, grabbing a baby blue dress with an ivory ribbon to cinch at the waist before throwing it on her bed.

"Hair and face," Alexandra said, opening her bedroom door and dashing into the bathroom. When she greeted the mirror, a groan pushed through her raw throat and out her mouth. Her dark red hair was tangled into an undistuingasble heap and drool lined her chin. She turned the sink on and gathered some water in her hands, mixing it with hair serum. She ran her fingers through her hair and her frizz deflated to some extent. The next part would be the hardest: brushing. Alexandra brushed her hair through and through until it was knot free, pulling it into a bun before washing her face.

"Squeaky clean," she muttered, patting her face dry. Galaxies of freckles line her cheeks and nose and right next to them, the evil blemishes. But nothing could trump the brave Alexandra, for make-up was at hand. Within a minute, not a blemish could be found.

"IT'S BEEN FIVE MINUTES!" Alex quickly ran back to her bedroom, throwing off her PJS. She unzipped the dress and put it on, tying the ivory ribbon around her waist before slipping into a pair of black Greek sandals. Alexandra walked down the hall and sat at the table, taking a deep breath before breaking out into a grin.

"Oh my god pancakes! Thank you so much Ma!" Her mother smiled at her and sat next to her at the table.

"You're welcome, darling. I love you."

"I love you too," Alex said before digging into her breakfast. She hoped she might catch Blaike in the village, even if they couldn't talk. This dress was new and beautiful, a gift from her father. Her hand tocuhed the baby blue lace gently, grinning as she gazed at it. It was off her shoulders and had lace running across her arms. The bodice had a pale blue lining and fell right above her knees. It was beautiful.

"Will Daddy be back tonight?" Alexandra asked. Alex's mother sighed and bit her lip.

"Not tonight, darling," she said. Alex's lips pressed together.

"They're working him too hard, Ma. He's never home. I miss him."

Her mother pulled Alex close, their arms wrapped tightly around each other as Alex sat on her lap.
"I know dear, I know," she whispered.

"I love you," Alex said, smiling.

"I love you too. Now, now you've got to be on your way. The flowers are for Ms. Hadiens." Alex gasped.

"You mean to say Sir Courtney fancies her?" Alex's mom winked, causing her daughter's jaw to drop.

"I can't wait to see her reaction! I'll make sure to tell you," Alex said, pushing herself from her chair.

"Hair," Ma reminded Alex quietly. A faint blush lit up her cheeks as she unwound it from her bun.

"Right. Thanks Ma! Love you! Bye!"

Her mother's laughter rang along with the door chimes as Alex ran out, a goofy smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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